20. One Family Again

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I watched Sam and Dean talking to each other, Sam explaining to Dean what had gone down on the hunt, Dean nodding his head. I kept wondering how the hell am I going to reconcile with Diamondis. I watch as Dean nods once more and then leaves.

"Sammy?". He looks at me, a tear slowly falling down his face. I suddenly feel the urge to go and cuss Dean out. I slip past Sam, my right hand's mere inches from the door knob.

"Kris, what are you doing?".

"If Dean's hurt you mentally, I am going to go and give him a piece of my mind.".

"He's not pissed at me.".

"Say what now," I ask, turning around to face Sam. He walked over to the bed and set down on the foot of it. I fold my arms over my chest, something I do when I'm either pissed or intrigued. After three minutes I sigh and walk over to him. As I sit down next to him, I get this weird feeling that someone somewhere is watching us.

"What did you mean, 'He's not pissed at me', Sam?".

"Dean. I thought he'd pissed off at me from going on a hunt without him. He's not.".

I could feel horror filling my soul, what did Sam exactly say, to Dean.

"Wh-wh-wh-what di-di-di-did yo-yo-yo-you sa-sa-sa-say t-t-t-to hi-hi-hi-him?".

"I told him that you had found a case, that you were going to go at it alone, that you couldn't convince me to stay here. I also told him that you'd be a vamp, if I hadn't come with you.".

"What did he tell you," I ask as I lay my head on his shoulder, trying my best to be calm.

"He told me that he wasn't angry, or pissed, he told me he was proud and that our Dad would be proud too.".

I looked at Sam, thinking we can reconcile with our siblings, we can be one family again. I stood up, snatching Sam's hoodie with the Sioux Falls Warriors emblem on it, then I pull it over my head and let it rest on my small frame.

"You cold?".

"No and yes, don't want Diamondis to see the extant of the cuts and bruises.". Sam nods and we walk down to wherever Dean, Diamondis and Bobby are. I close my eyes and listen, then I smile because I hear Black Veil Brides music coming from somewhere straight ahead and Bobby yelling over the music.

Sam walks out in front of me, listening as well, trying to pinpoint it exactly. I smile at myself, laughing inwardly too. Sam has just given me the perfect opportunity to 'ambush' him. I don't shout, I just run, my feet lightly brushing the floor, then at the last second, I jump, startling him as I wrap my arms around his neck and my legs around his waist, so I won't fall off.

"Boo," I whisper in his ear, causing him to scream like a banshee, until I say, "It's just me, Sam.". I rest my chin on his left shoulder, reassuring him. Sometimes he acts tough, but he can be scared easily.

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