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They say that the eyes are the windows to the soul.. Is it true?
Does it really know all our secrets?  Can it tell when we are lying?

With the intense gaze that gets bestowed on you, pupils differentiate in size big and small .

When love comes to play, what does the eyes say?  What does it show you?
It is known that dilated pupils shows attraction....but why? 

In my opinion the eyes are more,than just the windows to the soul .... They are a way to see everything in the world good and bad it identifies the broken people, the love between two people, the jealousy within people....but why?

Were we made like this for a reason? If we were...then once again, WHY?

But answer me this! --Take away eyes  and what are you left with? If you can't look into anyone's soul can they still look into yours?

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