Beating like a Drum

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Back and forth they go.

"I said NO! she's NOT going anywhere! "

Up in each others face.....
Never backing down, eye to eye they were.

"She's my daughter too.... U can't stop me from seeing her! "

Everyday, any chance they got,
Their piercing screams were heard.

Beating like a Drum in her ears.

The fighting never STOPS!
Hot tears stained her cheeks as the pounding got louder.

Like little bees buzzing all around.
Taunting her over the edge,
with curtain thoughts that will make God unhappy.

Was ending it all a thought.......YES! 😢

I mean.. It was all her fault!... Wasn't it?

But she couldn't.....


Nobody knew.. Nobody knew that she was hurting. They never saw the pain she went through.
Arguments and screaming from them
led to...
the beatings of drums in her head.

Finally stopped!


The memories, never left.

Every year they come
Flowing back into her mind,
Taunting her to scream! To cry

Eyes wide open as she stares into the distance. Open or shut she stills sees it.
Teary eyes blurring her vision with the pounding of beats like a drum in her head.

Your question might be...

Did it ever stop?

After seventeen years....... No it never did.. 😢


Tell what you guys think

This is dedicated to people who had\have parents who fight a lot especially if it's over you (mostly to those who are an only child)
And never really recovered from it

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