Chapter one

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Chapter one.  


There was only one thing that Cassiel really wanted in his life, and that was to not be noticed. That wish sounded pathetic to all the other Angels who would just laugh in his face and mock him. Cassiel was a drifter, a daydreamer- not quite sure how to tackle reality. The young man had the personality and attitude that was not typically regarded as ideal, for living in Heaven amongst the other Angels who would boast about their flawlessness and grace.

        Cassiel's caramel blond hair, milky skin and beautiful features made him stand out like a sore thumb, without even trying. His walk consisted of elegance and beauty, yet he was not prepared to believe that he was worthy of the Angelic powers that his fellow Angels had and that one day he may also accumulate, if only he believed in himself.

        The young man had just woken up from a deep slumber and he yawned a big yawn, stretched and jumped down the old oak tree which he had been sleeping on. What to do today? He thought to himself and heaved a little sigh, barely audible. As he walked on the bright green grass swaying gently in the breeze underneath his feet, he noticed that it was unusually quiet today.

     Heaven is generally thought of as a place of virtue, a place of rest and a place of everlasting goodness. It was, in a way, but when Humans start pouring in you get some stubborn Angels who secretly find these newcomers a disruption and a nuisance to the quiet and perfect atmosphere of Heaven; but they know well as to not dare share their view publicly. This is God's place of haven where He also inhabits; He won't be very happy if you suddenly started spluttering unkind comments about his utmost and respected creatures, the Human race.

    Sometimes, you will hear the occasional muttering of some Angels talking about how unfair it is that we are ranked second to Humans. Or how "the Humans have  invaded and taken over our home", that is a very overused sentence over here. In an average lifespan, an Angel is most definitely expected to say that sentence at least once in their lives. Even the most caring and perseverant Angel will eventually reach a point in their life where they cannot take it anymore and will blurt it out. And what will happen when they say it? Well, there's two options: God will hear you and you'd have the choice of taking back what you said and accepting it was wrong, or if you're the stubborn and rebellious type and choose to not repent then you will be sent off to Fallhea: the place for Angels that have not behaved according to how God expects. Fallhea literally means, "Punishment for the rebellious one". And that, is only for the lucky first degree punishment, you wouldn't even want to think about the second degree punishment that Angels sometimes face. Commit an atrocity and you will be banished from Heaven for all eternity and be sent to Hell. That, let me tell you, is an Angel's worst nightmare.

     Cassiel froze in his footsteps as he remembered that dreadful night when all the Angels were gathered at the River Carca, an ancient and holy river that flowed pure water and were  ordered to bow down to God's newest, most beautiful and complex organism, the Human race. The young man remembered giving his friend a comforting but desperate smile, his eyes were pleading that night; pleading Lucifer to just do as he was told. Pleading him to just put whatever idea he had lurking in his mind aside for that night only, and bow down- without making a scene.

      He remembered the look Lucifer had given him, a look of frustration and anger with so many other emotions, all mixed up in a fury of rage. He remembered the words Lucifer had whispered in his ear: "When are you going to stop hiding what you really feel like? Till when are you planning to pretend? When are you going to finally realise that this is not the place for us. We need to get out. Do you understand? And I have reached my limits, and I will be out tonight!," he finished with a tiny edge of violence dragging at the last word.  Cassiel had watched in horror his friend parting the crowd and trying to get to the front. He's going to abandon me here.

"LUCIFER!" He had cried, hot tears silently pouring down his beautiful innocent face. When Lucifer had turned back to look at him, his voice broke, "Don't do it", the boy had croaked, sobbing to his ignorant friend. He couldn't bear to lose the only friend he ever had. It only drove Lucifer even more determined and he had ignored him and barged past the crowd and marched towards God's throne. "I will never bow down to your worthless creatures" he had spat out his every word filled with spiteful venom. God have merely given him a surprised and awestruck look, his warm eyes filled with newly found shock. "Lucifer? Is that you? My Lucifer, the bearer of light?". Lucifer just groaned in frustration. "What is this I hear?'' God had asked him calmly. "What is this calamity?".

    Lucifer pointed at the two Humans, Adam and Eve. "I will not bow down to such things. We are more important and I will not humiliate myself, I will not pay respect to such worthless and unimportant creatures!" he had screamed. All the Angels had gasped, shocked at this sudden uproar. Cassiel had sunk to his knees at this point and held his face in his hands. What is he doing?! God had peered down at the one disobedient Angel standing in front of him, tall and strong. Looking God straight in the eye. Suddenly, The River Carca that had always had pure flowing water flowing in it now as all the Angels saw, had transformed to a river of dark crimson blood.

"I will not!" roared Lucifer one final last time. That was the last time I heard his low thundering voice. God raised his hand and a dreadful silence followed that, a silence that overcame everybody. We all heard nothing but pure pure silence for three seconds and then Lucifer was gone. God sadly turned his back to all the Angels and he too vanished in his cave.

Without the presence of Lucifer all the Angels looked towards the two frightened Humans Adam and Eve  and at once bowed down in unison.

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