Mr. Hot

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*Lauren's POV*

I just love my physics class. No no don't get me wrong. I don't love the subject but I love the class just because of Mr. Jones.

Yeah I know that I'm a bloody moron. What can I do? Is it my fault if the teacher is damn hot? I just get lost in his ocean blue eyes whenever he looks at me. Plus it is not totally inappropriate cause he is not that old.

So cool that my desk is right I  front of him. I stare at him way to much. I hope he doesn't think me an idiot. Although I AM one. Sometimes I even miss his lessons for staring at him so much.

Sorry for my stupidity ; p

Well, apart from that, school is pretty cool. I like it. Except for one thing. That rude boy. Zayn.

I don't know why but he keeps rolling his eyes at me. I try not to look at his direction as much as I can. But whenever I do accidentally, he keeps sending me signals that he is trying to show me that he's being rude. Huh, like I give a fuck.

He is really very weird. Has to be something wrong with him. He doesn't seem normal to me. All the time he stays alone. He has no friends. He doesn't even talk to anyone. So damn introvert. No one likes him. He is the SCHOOL BAD BOY. Whatever.

I am so damn exited today. Cause I've got physics! Wohooo!!

Okay so lemme go and check the hottie!


Hey! Sorry for the lame chapters. Gets better when LAUREN & Z***...
Okay I'm not gonna give spoilers. Love u guys! And don't forget to vote!!!


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