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*Lauren's POV*

I am alone for the whole week. Well, this isn't new to me. Mom had to leave for Manchester for a whole week. So here I am, all alone.

It's just the beginning of the semester. So there's not much pressure. I was so damn bored. Didn't know what to do. Watched dozens of episodes of friends, tried to read a book, played my guitar couple of times and much many other boring stuff.

I jumped at the sudden vibration of my phone.


My lips formed into a huge grin when the phone displayed her name. Right person at the right time. I picked it up at the second call.

"Hey there girlie! Wazzup?" Her cheerful voice cheered me up too.

"Nothing much. Except that I'm so fucking bored. Don't know what to do. Please come over mate!" I pleaded her.

Emily and I have gotten pretty close. She is the nicest of all I know in England so far. She is also very cool and fun loving. Her sense of humor cracks me up every time. I really like her company.

"Listen I have an idea which will help you to cheer up."

"Really? Please do tell me. I am dying here!"

"How about we go to a club tonight huh?" Her voice is filled with diablerie.

"WHAT! Are you serious?" I asked. Stiffened at the thought.

"Yes hun. Okay so be ready. I'm gonna pick you up in 20 minutes." she said and hung up. Didn't even give me the chance to reply.

I've never been in a club before. I've never even been drunk. NEVER. I've always been the boring one when my other friends used to have done whatever they liked to do. Didn't even bother about the risks. But I never dared to join them.

Come on Lauren! You are sixteen! You are gonna be seventeen very soon. Stop being a child! The girl inside of me orders. And I can never resist her.

So I ran up to my room and started to go over my closet. Most of my nice dresses are still packed in one of the boxes. So I picked the best one out of what I had in the closet.

It was a knee length black plain dress with full sleeves. It was kinda classy and also sexy. I thought of applying a little makeup. Usually I don't like to put makeup on. One of the reasons that I can't do makeup. But I would look dull in this dress without makeup. So I put a little foundation that belonged to my mom. Put on a little mascara carefully and nude lipsticks. I quickly straightened my hair. Wore my black pumps which matched my dress perfectly. Took my purse and phone. I got satisfied when I checked myself in the mirror. I looked kinda good. Smirk played on my lips.

Emily called me the minute I got finished. I locked the door behind me. Emily's car was parked in our gateway. She smiled widely when she looked at me. Whoa! She was looking gorgeous on her red knee length dress.

"Oh my god Lauren! You look sexy as fuck!" She exclaimed with widened eyes.

"Look who's talking," I rolled my eyes at her. "You look red hot babe!"

"Why thank you," she bowed in a dramatic way. "Let's rock the night babe!"

Damn she was already high. At least she behaved like. She was driving extremely rough. I was so damn scared at crossed my fingers. She hit a pole. OMFG! I shut my eyes tightly and kept screaming.

"Have you gone mad Emily?! Drive safely!!" I  yelled at her.

"Calm down girlie!" She replied. She kept on giggling for no reason at all.

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