Chapter 6- Make up sex

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Ania could hear the somnolent buzz of the eponymous neon marlin fish out front, providing a backdrop for the clinking of glasses and drone-like chatter of hundred people. She walked around the corner reviving lustful glances eyeful lurking her as she walked past.
"ANIA!" Joelle shouted waving her hands over her head rushing towards Ania.
"Hey!" Ania smiled.
"Where've you been, its ten thirty?" Joelle asked slightly annoyed.
"Sorry the traffic was bad!"
"If your dad dropped you here, where is he?" Joelle asked scouring the street for Ania's
"My Dad dropped me off down the street so I walked- It doesn't matter lets go inside and party all ready!" Ania grabbed her hand pulling her into the house. The intermingled smells of smoke and sweat and too many people instantly assaulted her nostrils as she inhaled deeply walking into the doors of David's home. Darkness and strobe lights startled her vision, her eyes began adjusting to the imminent darkness, tomblike and womblike at the same time. Bright spots of neon beer signs on the wall stood out, illuminating the faces and cleavage and mohawks of the crowd, while others disappeared into the contrasting blackness. A blaring bass that makes the room shake, dancing bodies tangled together, a high ceiling with awesome lights hanging from it, a long lit up bar, and a upstairs for people to fuck. All she saw were horny teenagers dry humping each other, while others subtly made out profusely in the shadows of the room. Red cups and empty bottles of beer and vodka lay scattered in the sea of people. Joelle went to get drinks.
"Ania!" A familiar voice called, turning David stood with a blunt in his
"Should of known!" She teased, smirking.
"You made it then?" He laughed through the smoke seeming distanced from the conversation, as if he was in search for someone.
"Why wouldn't I?" she sniggered elbowing him.
"I didn't think you wanted too, you seemed very.... Busy" he
"I wouldn't miss a party now would I?"
"No you wouldn't" He laughed, "So who's the lucky lad you brought tonight?"
"I find that hard to believe, looking like that" He gave Ania a bodycheck, "Who are you trying to I impress-I hope not me because I've got my eye on someone else"
"You wish I was trying to impress you"
"Well I have to say I'm bloody impressed!" His eyes locked upon her bulging
"Shut up idiot!" Ania lightly pushed
"The lad you brought is very lucky
"Well no lad...but I brought..." Someone nudged them. Ania looked to her side to see Joelle stood with  serval
"Oh Joelle, should've known...erm I'll be off see ya!" He walked away.
"I hate him!" Joelle said passing several shots.
"I know you do!"
"1...2...3!" They downed shot after, after shot.
They slowly made their way through the dance floor, through the crowds of people like waves on a vast ocean. They weren't at all quite awkward on the dance floor, but they were overly confident. The house was full of teenagers, moving their bodies to the music. Everyone's bodies touched, like a silent dance of a mosh pit. Most of them has dyed hair and and piercing's, and wore leather something or other. Soon all became one big intoxicated haze. Clothes were removed and more shots were taken. Somehow Joelle had found someones bra and pretended to be a fly.
"LOOK ANIA IM A FLY...BUZZZZZZ!" She screamed with a bra over her eyes.
"YOUR AN IDOIT!" Ania screamed back over the music, they continued to dance.
Ania felt a light tap on her shoulder.
"Hi I'm jade!" Jade held out her hand for it to be shaken. Jade's eyes were enthralling, like sparkling kaleidoscopes of colour; They were celery green, but also ocean blue. Dashes of chestnut brown speckled her irises, blind to the world. Her eyelids fluttering to deflect the bright fluorescent lights. She absently twirled her golden hair in her slim fingers, flashes of her chipped multi-coloured nail polish shone through the silky strands of gold. Time seemed to slow as she batted her long dark eyelashes and smiled, her face lit up allowing anyone to be blinded by her sheer beauty.
"JADE!!!!!" Joelle screamed.
"I'm sorry about her she's well not normal! I'm Ania! She said still dancing uninterested in her surroundings.
"JADE!" The party animal placed a straight shot into Jades hand gesture.
"Ummm...??" Ania winked at her.
"1...2...3... DRINK!" They both chugged two shots while Jade barely managed one.
"That's Joelle!" Ania pointed out more sober than Joelle.
"Oh yeah the chicken girl!" Jade to herself laughed.
"What?" Ania asked.
"Yesterday I saw her in KFC with two buckets to herself," Jade explained, her head spinning in a buzzing combustion.
"Sounds like Joelle!"
"COME ON LETS DANCE!!" Joelle dragged them over to the centre of the dance floor while boys stalked both of the girls every move, while Joelle handed Ania and Jade another shot. They danced for hours screaming loudly as people covered their ears as they walked past.
"Z...ZA...ZAC EFORN IS MY BABY DADDY!" Joelle shouted grabbing everyone's attention. Ania normally hated attention, but was not bothered in her drunken state. Her physical pain from the Mafia's mark dissapeared and she forgot it even happened.
"Hey Ania, you look amazing tonight!" A guy she recognised from her science class said dancing with her.
"Johnny right?" She asked.
"That's me!" Their eyes locked and their lips locked. She continued to violently smash their lips together in attempt to feel the familiar warm sensation she had felt previously.
Nothing. She felt nothing.

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