Chapter 8-Jakub

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This book is coming to an end but the third in the series is soon to come!
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"He has 12 days to live!"
Ania paled, raising a hand to cover her beating heart as she took in the new information that lay in front of her.
She didn't understand, as if her brain short-circuited and needed to be rebooted. Around her, everything was in fast-forward while she was motionless in the middle of it all. How could this happen?
"There are consequences for your actions remember you are now property of the Mafia!"
It was her fault. She was responsible for a death of an innocent person.
A person she...the only person who had made her feel again.
She pressed the heels of her hands into her eyes until she saw nothing but sparkles. She tried to sit down, but it was more like a stumble and fall that left her in a trembling heap.
"Ania he knew the risk he was taking!"
How could someone be so evil as to revert to killing someone for the sake of her?
"Ania trust me członek 4 is a hindrance to.."
Her eyes flashed with indignance and anger, much like lightning on a pitch black night. Mr Ives couldn't recognize her anymore, the girl he used to know was gone, and it was all because of him.
"Ania listen..." He placed a hand on her shoulder, piercing her skin with stinging sensation causing her heart rate to double in strength as anger coursed through her veins,
"NO DON'T TOUCH ME!" Ania pushed him away.
"Ania you don't want to do this!"
"You left your morals when you signed up to join the Mafia!"
Angry eyes were just the start, then came the strut, the slamming and the clipped words. Mr Ives would turn, all of a smoulder, but his attractiveness was gone. Instead his lethal stare that felt painful and piercing, as if his glare was tearing her heart apart with a blinding teal light.
"I only joined because The Z growlers killed my brother!"
"What?" He spat.
"You heard me...WHO KILLED MY BROTHER?"
"His name is Jakub"
He laughed.
The laughter evaporated from his eyes. His customary warmth gone faster than summer rain on the tarmac. Indeed even his focus was somewhere on the
wall behind me, as if she had become invisible to him or he could not bare to see her at all.
"You see Ania I run this place and I don't answer to other people!"
Click. Click
The gun loaded.
She knew of one possible outcome.
He was going to kill her.
"It's a shame I really enjoyed your company!"
"Im sure!"
She heard the whistling of the bullet draw closer.
She was not going to die.
Not today anyway.
Forcing her weight into the ground, she sprung upwards spinning into the air and landed on Mr Ives.
She yanked the gun from his grasp.
"Thought you could get rid of me that easily babe?"
Alejandro, Leonek, Cyrly, Georgina and a few other faces came crashing into the room with jaws dropped.
Ania held the gun to Mr Ives head.
"ANIA!" Alejandro gasped in shock.
"Ania calm down. Put the gun down"
"Tell me or I'll kill you" she whispered in Mr Ives ear
"I don't know! We have documents of a killing of your brother!"
"Are you saying that he didn't die?"
"Well he's not been killed!"
"I promise I don't know"
"Ania stop this is not you!" Alejandro stated calmly.
"How would you know what me is, I've known you for a day!"
"Tell me where you keep the files!"
He pointed to the bright orange book on his desk.
"Open it!" She dragged him by the collar the gun still at his head.
She stopped.
"Why? how? how could you send Adam off to be killed!"
"Don't any of you feel anything? Have you forgotten what it's like to love?"
"I know what love is!" Alejandro stepped forward.
"I love Adam!"
Jaws dropped.
"sending him off was the hardest things I've ever had to do!"
"Then why?"
"Because if I didn't then Mr Ives threatened to kill you!"
"You don't care about me!"
"Adam loves you!"
Ania silenced.
"Living without being able to love is worse than death! I know what's it's like and I would never wish that upon anybody!"
Alejandro sobbed.
Ania opened the book.
"Thank you!"
The bookshelves parted and opened up a room filled with fluorescent white sheets that represented the lives of everyone that had been killed.
"WAIT!" Alejandro ran after Ania.
"I want to help!"
She nodded. The walls closed around them.
She saw an electronic device on the wall with a keypad.
"You type in the names of the dead and their file should come up!" Mr Ives said.
She gently typed in the letters of her brothers name. She was filling up with joy at finally being able to come to terms with her brothers death.
She typed in the name again.
She typed again.
Again and again.
"ITS LYING!" She ran over to files with male names beginning with j.
Jabari Kowalczyk, Jaakko Nowak, Jakob Nowak, Jakub Lewandowski, Jacinto Mazur.
There was no Jakub Zebrowski.
Her brothers file was not there.
As Ania cried her bottom lip quivered, the same as a baby pushed past endurance. Her eyes became glacier blue under the sheen of water, constant, yet allowing the tears to flow without pause. In that moment, in seeing her own reflection she understood the depth of pain that had been sitting below her skin.
"I-I don't know!"
"LIES! HOW? How? How can be brother alive?" She collapsed to the ground as her grief hit her like death by a thousand paper cuts, for every time she remembered her loss it was another cut to her already damaged mind. None were enough to kill her, but overtime their accumulation bled her of the humanity she had once had. She once was gregarious and generous natured, now she was just gaunt and melancholy.
"YOU!" She ran over to Mr Ives.
Her fist collided with his face.
He fell to the floor.
Click. Click.
The gun loaded.
"ANIA DON'T!" Alejandro threw the gun out of her hand.
"I don't have it!"
"Wrong answer!"
She pulled a knife from Alejandro's pocket.
"NO ANIA!" Another male voice screamed.
She lunged forward, stabbing at him, hitting his shoulder. He screamed in pain and darted to the left of her, tripping and falling to the floor. She lunged at him again, this time slicing her hand. Blood poured, spattering his face and chest.
She stood over her, watching as his tears met blood, creating small red designs on his face and neck. His eyes weren't on her. They danced furtively around the room, looking for something that could save his life.
"John!" He whispered.
"What have you done?"
"Why did he say that?"
"Who is John?"
"I am John!"
When someone looks at you like that, eyes holding total anger, it hurts; but when that someone holds your heart in their hand it kills. Even if you deserve it, sometimes especially if you do, the loss is a fine pair of concrete boots and your own soul is a cold river.
"Ania I didn't expect this from you!"
"Your...your Dad was ex-leader of the other side until he went missing!"
"He didn't go missing he left us for his a mission!"
"Ania listen I never left I was kidnapped! Kept imprisoned here by the leader of..."
"Well he's dead now!"
"Ania Mr Ives isn't the leader-I've said too much!"
"We need to leave before this place blows up!"
"I don't understand?"
"Follow me I'll explain!"
Ania's Dad grabbed a huge bag and passed them guns and knives.
"Let's go!"
The walls parted to a pacing Leonek and worried faces.
"Who is this?" Leonek asked.
"Where is Mr Ives?" Georgina demanded.
"What you let him die?"
"We will all die if we don't leave now!" Alejandro argued.
"One more minute before this places blows!"
"Blows? What does that mean?"
"This building is going to blow up!"
"40 seconds!"
They all ran. Some jumped out windows.
Smouldering, fire licked the bottom of the mansion like a hungry kitten with a saucer of milk, crackling, playful, gentle at first, fire flickered, flared, leapt, spat, shower of sparks like a fountain, plumes of black grey smoke, wound itself around the post like a great hungry serpent, devoured everything in it's path, choking clouds of noxious smoke, inferno, blazing, out of control, ash floating to the ground like great dirty flakes of snow, showering onto everything, sprinkling onto the ground.
"What just happened?" Ania asked her Dad.
"The leader of the Z growlers found out I escaped!"
"But we were all in the house surely he would've known that!" Cyrly asked.
"He doesn't care about you lot he would of just replaced you!"
"Where is my brother?"
"I can't say we need to get away from here it's not safe!"
"Why should I trust you?" Georgina asked.
"He's the leader from the other side!" Alejandro said.
"Adam! He's at the chambers!"
"He's not safe!"
"Well we need to get him!"
They drove away.
Drove in silence.
They approached a house.
The house looked just like any other; brick with a peaked roof of slate. In the daylight its state was more apparent. The bricks were of another era, not solid red like others but swirled with other hues giving the two storey dwelling a mottled look. The window frames were not the ubiquitous plastic of the town not far away, but wooden with large flakes of white paint lying like dandruff. Ania walked a little closer, finding the lack of reflection in the windows peculiar. She almost laughed. There was no glass, of course, why would there be? She knew the place was like a prison. It would take capital to fix, a hundred thousand or more, but the walls were still firm and the roof only needed a patch. Gutted and redone it could be quite fine.
"This way!" Leonek said as everyone followed.
"Where are the guards?" John questioned.
"There should be some here right?" Alejandro questioned.
"When I left they were here!"
Someone screamed.
"We found them!"
The source of the putrid smell and swarm of black flies soon became apparent. Each one of them had a single hole to their temple, purple and brown seepage dried onto their lifeless skin. From the holes crawled maggots and their ankles showed signs of gnawing from rodents. A small innocent looking boy backed out to vomit, doubled over, fighting powerful waves of nausea.
"You think you could take one of mine and get away with it?"
A familiar husky tone said.
"Get behind me!" Ania's dad said.
Adam was thrown from out the shadows.
When Adam first came into view she didn't recognize him. He walks like a scarecrow more than a man and all lop-sided at that. As he nears her heart falls right through her chest. His left eye is swollen, he can't be seeing a thing out of that and he won't for a while yet. His face still bears congealed blood and his clothes are an utter mess. Then he tries to say my name, his cracked lips failing at the first syllable.
She fell to his side.
"Adam!" A tear streaked down her face.
"Who are you?" Ania asked her hand on her gun.
"Ania get back he's dangerous!" Her dad yelled.
"Who am I? Hmm..." The voice mocked.
"I'm not leaving!"
"Still stubborn as ever!"
"Well if you haven't figured it out am I the official leader of Mafia!"
"Ania get back!" Her dad repeated again.
The voice stepped out from shadows.
David stood before them in flesh and blood.
Ania's dad fired his gun.
David caught the bullet.
"David how?"
"You know him?" Alejandro asked.
""She knows me more than she thinks!"
"David what are you talking about?"
"You don't remember still! I guess the memory wipe worked more effectively than I thought!"
"I don't understand!"
"Father would you like to explain?" David looked over at Ania's dad.
"Why did he call you that? Dad?"
"That memory you have of your brother being killed is false! Your brother was working with the Z growlers and wanted to get you off his back so he could kill me! He tricked you into following him that night and knocked you unconscious and took you to someone who could tamper with your memory! He made you think that he was killed-he made you forgot what he looked like! He also did this to your mum and removed all photos of himself!"
He sighed.
"Your brother became the leader of the Z growlers!"
"I am your brother!" David spoke.
"What?" NO!"
"And now I will kill you all except my sister because she will have a worse fate, having to live with all of your blood on her hands"
"Why? Why are you doing this?" Ania asked him.
"First you!" He ripped Adam from the floor.
The shadows of the beating were on Adam's skin and on his heart. The knowledge that her own brother could do such a thing just broke something inside of her, something that would remain long. It was a sadness in Adam's  eyes, a heaviness, an unyielding sorrow that slowed his speech and robbed him of his once easy smile.
"I love you Ania!"
"I love you Adam!"

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Thank you all for reading!
Hope you all enjoyed!
This is the end of Love at first kill.
Who do you think got shot?
Which did you prefer Love at first grind or Love at first kill?
Sorry Team Javid!
Look out for the third book in the Love at first series!
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No editing/don't hate!

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