Chapter 7: New Races, Familiar Faces

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Klein gazed down the hill, looking for any signs of the first group. Without moving his head, he

whispered to Leafa, peeking out from the rear of the jeep.

"Any updates?"

Leafa nodded. "Looks like the turnip is shivering."

"Doesn't feel cold out here. Are the big ones doing anything different?"

"A third one came out. The other two have their guns pointed right at it's face."

"Gah! If those guys don't get here soon, we'll have to take them out ourselves."

Asuna nudged Klein's arm in disapproval. "There's no way we can take out those three things by ourselves. Remember, we're not here to fight."

"Well, one of those two things is gonna try and kill us, I know it. And there's no way that blueberry has any beef with us."

"Quiet, you two! They stopped talking, they could hear us at any moment!"

"Forget it. Asuna, let's continue the mission. If things go south, we can take them."

"Fine. Not having Yui here is going to make this a little tough."

The three of them ran out from behind the jeep, and slowly trekked to the four aliens. As they got closer, they could hear what came out to be a deep, aggressive voice, followed by a feminine, higher pitched voice. Klein moved his hand closer to his back, where his Longsword was. The three purple bodies glanced at them, before angrily turning back to the shivering turnip creature. Klein, Leafa, and Asuna quickened their pace.

"Alright, potato! This was not part of deal! Who are they?"

"W-wah! Pina did not know they were there! D-don't shoot!"

"Get out of our sight!"

The blue turnip hastily fled from the guards, and dove behind a large rock. The other three aliens turned to the players, with their guns raised.

"You have no business here. Leave now!"

Asuna hesitated, before speaking commandingly to the aliens.

"We've been sent here on behalf of humanity. We would like to form an alliance with you. Please take us to your leader."

"The Prone make alliances with no one. We are only allied to the Ganglion." Leafa and Klein drew their Longswords.

Asuna felt tension rising in her bones. "Then we would like to discuss terms with-"

"There are no terms to discuss. If you are humans, then you die!"

She closed her eyes. "If that's how it is, then so be it."

Asuna unsheathed her Photon Saber, taking note of her new set of Arts. The three of them charged toward the Prone soldiers, but their faces turned to shock as they opened a flurry of laser fire upon the player. While Klein and Leafa dodged to the side, Asuna dove to the ground and ducked under the stream. As she looked up, the middle Prone had disappeared, while the other two were dueling Klein and Leafa. She picked herself off the ground, and ran in between the soldiers. By raising her arm into the air, her Psycho Launchers deployed from her back, and began spinning above her. Leafa took this as a sign to get out of the way, but Klein was too caught in the heat of the moment. Soon, a small area around Asuna was being showered by her own laser blasts. She struck the two Prone beside her, but a stray shot hit Klein in his right shoulder, causing him to drop his sword. His health didn't decrease, but he still felt a painful sting.

"Agh! Watch where you're aiming!"

"Sorry! Are you hurt?"

"It stings! A lot!"

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