Chapter 9: Dark Depths

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Away from the rocky arches and into the desert plains, the party journeyed onward through the scorching heat. Although inspired by new tech to master, the previous battle and the extreme conditions had left everyone exhausted. Yet there was only sand for miles ahead, ironically dampening everyone's spirits. Klein jogged to the top of a nearby hill, sweating from exhaustion. From the bend, over the horizon, he thought he could make out a river beyond the dunes.

"Guys!" He spoke in between pants. "Water!"

Sinon was already skeptical. "Out here? A mirage. Must be."

"No, really!" Klein broke into a sprint toward his visions, paying no attention to the gigantic rock beetles, Simius, flying narwhals, Terebra, and Potamus.

Liz's first instinct was to chase after him. "Wait! Your ass is going to get killed out there!"

Klein stopped entirely to respond. "But, come on! We're all exhausted!"

After catching up with him, Liz gave Klein a stern look. "I want to take a break as much as you, but let's actually get there before doing something like that."

"Yeah... yeah, of course."

Sinon was scanning the surrounding beasts. "No names on a few things, but their size tells me we shouldn't engage. Is there any way to see their levels without checking a corpse?"

With no hesitation, Yui and Silica both produced their comm devices. The camera function also allowed Curators to scan living creatures and plants, to be recorded in the future. The rock beetles in the distance were of a much higher level, definitely to be avoided at the time. The narwhals flying over the winding river were dashing too quickly to maintain a lock, so taking great caution, the party progressed toward the shore. Upon their approach, the flighty of the fliers began circling in the sky, speeding up to do tricks. The spectacle left everyone in awe, reminding them of fighter jet shows. The more docile of the bunch chased after the performers, but instead only improved the act by appearing like a dogfight.

As the show continued, the party used the spare moments to rest under the shade of the few trees by the river. Serenity and peace, it could be done in such a hostile environment. Sinon was mildly annoyed that Klein had been right about the river, but the cool water in the dry desert was worth the trouble. Kirito, Asuna, and Yui lie together in the sand, reminiscing about their memories of SAO.

"Don't you wish we could do this every day, Kirito?" She tilted her head in his direction.

Kirito took a moment to respond, as he returned his gaze. "Yeah. I guess it's nice to take a break from all the battles every once in a while."

Asuna giggled a little. "Maybe in a little more inviting place than the desert, though."

"I don't know. The heat's keeping you awake this time."

Asuna rolled next to Kirito, gently punching his arm. "It was just that one time!" Kirito laughed before she finished the statement.

Klein called over to the two, snapping them out of their moment. The rest of their partners were preparing to progress further toward the caravan. Silica was on a dune nearby, as Pina and she were scouting the path ahead. Further down the river, there was a tall waterfall blocking progress.

"Where do we go from there, Pina?"

"Ooh, big waterfall means friends are close! When we reach the big cliff, there is canyon path to the right."

"Alright, thanks!"

Good rest, new energy, and a clear path. What could go wrong? Holding new resolve, the party marched onward to the cliffs. The land seemed to stretch on and on, remaining unchanged for miles. Creatures around the area were to the aid of boredom, however. Strange masked birds were practicing a dance routine, led by a single conductor with a trumpet-like horn on its head. Everyone took a small moment to watch the show, then traveled further.

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