Chapter 7 Open Mic

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As I was walking to the club, I kinda felt a sharp pain in my chest. It wasn't from eating too much, it was more from how Sam felt. I had the feeling that I was the one causing his pain. Maybe it wasn't a good idea to stay with him after all. As I was walking down the street, two Detroit police cruisers and a State patrol zoomed past. This wasn't abnormal for Detroit. People are always getting into trouble in this city. I continued walking to the club, hoping that it wasn't as busy as it was the last time that I was there. At least I wasn't as tired as I was the last time. When I got there, people were lined up outside. As I was walking past them, I heard them yelling out, "Alex! You got it going!" "Yo, Alex, you be bringing the beats till ya fall!" I knew that last one was referred to last night. I was trying to forget about that. My daypack was still sitting were I left it the last time. I never got to bring it home with me. Benji was sitting in a chair beside it, twirling a pair of keys. "Hey Alex, guess what I got?" He said with a grin. "You got my keys?" He smiled even bigger, "I sure did." He tossed my keys at me and I grabbed them in midair. "Now you can go home after tonight." My smile slowly disappeared after he said that. I kinda wanted to stay with Sam, but maybe it was for the best. Sam was really upset and it was probably best that I gave him his space. I put my Pawphones on and stepped up to my usual place. I hooked up a little mic to my fur and turned the music down. "Alright furs and fluffs, who's ready for some nonstop Jams?" The loud response from everyone pretty much gave me my answer. "Alright, awesome. Now before we get going, let me assure you that I won't collapse tonight." Everyone laughed. I thought if that's going to follow me around for the rest of my life, I might as well go with the flow of it. The night started out as usual. I got the beat going, people dancing and jumping around. I started to feel a little thirsty so I threw my right hand out. "Benji, toss me a red", that was my term for Dr. Pepper. Benji rushed over to the bar and grabbed one from the mini fridge. Running back over, he tossed it to me and I caught it. It felt good to have a cool drink in the warm club. Around 3:43 a.m. The musk of the people started to get really strong. I looked around and saw a few people passed out. Benji was sitting down by the bar. I got his attention and directed him to the passed-out furs. He helped them to their feet and walked them to the relaxation room. The relaxation room was a place for drunks and sleepy furs that couldn't make it home. I thought maybe it was time for me to take a break myself, so I played a long song and got down to rest. I walked over to the bar and sat down. Drake was tending the bar. He may be my supervisor, but he still works. "Hey Alex," he said to me, "do you think that you could change it up a little?" "Well, what do you mean Drake? I always mix it up." "I don't know mate, it just seems the same to me." He said as he put away shot glasses. "Well, I'll try, but I don't know how." I got up and walked back to my chair. "Mix it up huh? Alright, let's try this song." I said to myself as I put on the track. It was a really weird track, no lyrics except for a part near the end. No one knew it, it was too distorted. While playing the song, I saw a lot of people jumping and jamming. "Wow, a lot of people really like this song" I thought. As we came to the weird lyric. I thought I would add my own. That would mix it up a little. I popped my mic down and had the voice distorter at the ready. As that part came, someone beat me to it. Someone else with a mic. "Alex you're the greatest DJ in Detroit. You make my fur warm up to the greatest point, so why come and stay with me and we'll dance in the light, I couldn't imagine life without you. In day, or night. I turned around to see Sam standing beside me.

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