Chapter 2

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Thomas's POV

I let Jon open the door to the passenger seat of his car for me.  "Why thank you, kind sir," I laughed.

Jon rolled his eyes.  "Mhmm."  He went around to the other side and got in.  Immediately both of our hands reached for the radio to change it.  I quickly pulled back.  "What do you wanna listen to, Thomas?"

"Whatever you want," I let out quickly, not wanting to cause any problems.  Jon plugged in his phone and started to drive.  Five hundred twenty-five thousand six hundred minutes, went the radio.  I couldn't help but grin and turn to Jon in excitement.  He smiled knowingly back, and we jammed out to theatre classics the entire way to his apartment.

Once we got inside, I realised how much alike Jon and I really are.  It was like it was my birthday.  Disney pillows lined the couch and Harry Potter memorabilia littered the coffee table and the kitchen.  "You're the absolute best, Jon, you know that?"

"I've been told," he laughed.  We kicked off our shoes and I dove into the couch, ready for a Disney marathon.  Jon went started the movie and went into the kitchen.  I turned with a pout, confused as to why he wasn't sitting with me.  I watched him make hot chocolate, mesmerised by the how precisely he seemed to do everything so it was set up just right.   His eyebrows furrowed in concentration as he reached up into a cabinet to get the marshmallows and measure out an exact amount.  I giggled, and he turned to face me.

"What?" He asked, visibly confused.

I flushed.  "Nothing, sorry." I faced the movie again as the first scene started to unfold.  Jon came in and handed me a mug of the hot chocolate.  "Thanks man, really!"

"It's no problem," he said with a trademark smirk and hand wave.  We sat in comfortable silence for the entire toy story saga, broken only by giggles and comments on how amazing the movies were.  After, Jon put in the lion king, and I settled down to enjoy another amazing movie.  As good as it was, I knew it was late and the pillows were too comfortable for my own good.  While Simba sang about his future as a king, I slipped off to sleep, but not before I felt a blanket being pulled over me.

"Goodnight, Thomas."

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