A call from hanna

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"Well bye uncle D see ya later?"said worriedly hanging up. Sighing I look at the faces of my confused friends and family. Uncle D is standing there with his mouth hung opened "Yep ok now that we know Uncle D is drunk this second... so any clue as to who my parents are? Like at all?" I asked awkwardly putting my hands on my hips. I kept my eyes on the big grey machine behind Gramps not wanting to see their reactions "C there are 4 bat brothers it's not Dick, Tim, or Jason" Bart said bringing me back to earth.

Oh my god how could I be so stupid?! There are only 4 and I only know 3 but then there was Aunt Hel who was Gramp's daughter from another world and I don't know if she was lying or not about being my aunt. "Gramps not to offend you in anyway but why so many people? Do you realize I have to sit down and eliminate your offspring to find who is who? It gets really annoying," I tell him Bruce just shrugged and when back to typing.

Then all the sudden my wrist beeps "you gotta be kidding me," I state not particularly talking to anyone. I answer the call expecting Uncle D, imagine my surprise when I hear a bold voice exclaim "Are you religious because you're the answer to my prayers!" The room suddenly got very hot and all eyes were on me.

"Hannah you're an atheist and I'm not falling for that." I stammered earning a chuckle from the other end "I'm just wanted to ask you where you put the broom, and where you got that chapstick I really liked that chapstick." Hannah is going to give me a heart attack. My breathing quickened and my knees shook "Uhh the- the broom is in the pant-pantry and chapstick is in my pocket." I struggled to get those words out, that it I refuse to talk. I will from now on live as a mute and reside in the woods where no one can find me and remind me of this moment.

I heard a disappointed sigh "ok then, good luck have a nice time. Try not to hurt anyone, don't run off with any weird creatures without asking. See ya chump!!" And she hung up, I could see Bart smiling from the corner of my eye "We'll talk later" he mouthed. My breathing was just starting to get back to normal, almost every time I talk to that moron I feel like I'm suffocating which is extremely inconvenient when I'm trying to get things done.  "You know what, I'm not feeling this Parent finding mission right now. I survived this long without them right? What's another 20 or so years? Can we get go somewhere else?"

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