Chapter 23

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Kenshi woke up, reaching towards the sky.

His heart ached. But her words rang clearly through his head.

He stood up slowly, staring at the ground.

"She warned me about the army," he said. "We need to take them out as soon as possible... Because all of my friends are potentially in danger!"

"Wait, who warned you about what?" Sakurai blinked.

Kenshi looked down again sadly. "There's no need to find Asana anymore..."

"So... you found her?" Sakurai asked, a slight hint of disappointment evident in her voice.

Kenshi shook his head, smiling weakly. A single tear fell from his eye. "She's gone... Forever."

"Once a soul dies... You cease to exist. Nothing, not even the Dragonballs, can bring you back." Kyo explained. He pat Kenshi on the shoulder.

Kenshi looked at Kyo, frowning up slightly before his expression softened.

"Thank you..." the demon prince nodded.

"No problem... Sorry, about it as well. She must have meant a lot to you-" Kyo was interrupted.

"Just don't talk about it... Okay?" Kenshi looked at him. He then looked at the dark clouds beneath the Lookout.

"I sense Corazon and two others that arent quite as strong..." Kenshi stated. "Sakurai, you brought the Dragonballs with you, right?"

Sakurai's eyes widened as she rummaged through her bag. "N-no..."

Kenshi cursed. "We'll be back... Josh, I'll need your help. Especially during the aftermath..."

"I was going anyway, bro..." Josh smiled. "But why is the aftermath so important?"

"Because I'm pissed..." Kenshi stated coldly, stepping off of the edge of the Lookout.

He kept falling for about a minute before punching the ground, crackling it upon landing.

He stood up, flying towards the small capsule village where he saw three small black pods with red lenses.

Corazon stood there with two other weird looking aliens. He held the bag Sakurai kept the Dragonballs in and smirked.

"Hand them over," Kenshi demanded, stepping towards Corazon.

"You'll have to pry them from my hands, Sin of Wrath." Corazon stated. "This time... I'm going all out,"

A white wolf tail sprouted from Corazon and he howled to the clouds. He held his sword up, his howl growing louder.

Lightning struck all around him, and small pockets of lava erupted from the ground.

Corazon's power exploded around him in the form of a silver aura that shook the ground.

"Are you ready, Sin of Wrath!?" Corazon shouted, aiming his sword at Kenshi who was in a balanced fighting stance.

"Bring it..." Kenshi glared as they vanished, creating shockwaves in the sky.

The two soldiers aimed their wrist launchers at the sonic booms before Josh appeared.

Sakurai kicked a soldier across the ground.

"You're going to have to worry about us before you wanna get to Kenshi." Josh smirked.

Then, they too began to engage in combat.

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