Chapter 32

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The group landed in mountains by a desert, far from the ship.  They all stood at the edge of a cave in silence, grieving in their own ways.

"This... Is my fault," Dynamikku glared. "I miscalculated. We should have killed the army earlier,"

"Whatever..." Ketsu spat, looking away from the others. "We're gonna have to do something about his weapon,"

Floohare was on the ground in tears, miserably staring off into the sky.

"It's getting dark. Use your eyes for light, we'll make camp here in this cave." Dynamikku nodded. "Tomorrow, we'll move a bit farther and train our asses off to avenge Patcho."

"What if it isn't enough..." Lucy asked. "You saw how powerful Takeshi was."

"No..." Kenshi spoke up, slowly grabbing his amulet. "I will not let the murderer of another one of my friends roam free."

The wind picked up a bit as he frowned. His grip tightened on the amulet as a single crack appeared, more power flowing from his body than normal.

He closed his fists, turning towards the exit of the cave and staring outside. "I'll... Kill them all..."

Lema had a small smirk on her face as she grabbed Kenshi's shirt, pulling him towards her. "Good... Keep getting angrier,"

"Now isn't the time to be a whore, Lema." Dynamikku spat. "We have to be ready,"

Sakurai looked outside and glared. "We need to close this entrance."

Sakurai then shot the ceiling with a ki blast, causing rocks to fall in front of the cave exit, leaving a few air holes.

"There..." she said.

"Just what I'd expect from my apprentice," Lucy smiled a bit.

Kenshi pulled away from Lema, walking off into the cave as he began having flashbacks of himself and Patcho Jr as kids.


"Bet I can eat more fried scorpion than you, Kenshi!" Patcho Jr laughed.

"In your dreams!" A younger Kenshi laughed back.

The two stuffed themselves, and Kenshi fell out of his chair coughing as Patcho Jr inhaled both of their plates, and some.

"Grr... You cheated!" Kenshi pushed him, smirking.

Patcho Jr fell down and the two laughed together, the memory ending.


Kenshi wiped his eyes, sitting in the darkest corner of the cave and sniffing a bit. Every memory with his friend rushed back into his head.

"I... Need to be stronger..." he whispered, clutching the amulet and running his fingers along the crack.

Sakurai made her way over to him and sat next to him, resting her head on his shoulder.

"We'll get revenge... Promise." She whispered. "I... I didn't know him as much as all of you... But he was one of the only one of you that treated me as if I belonged to the group... He was a great friend,"

Kenshi nodded as he cried silently. "Right..."

Sakurai hugged him a bit. "Shh... I'm right here. Let it all out, alright?"

Kenshi leaned his head against her arm before shaking his head and standing up.

"I... Cannot show weakness. That is not... The duty of a Prince of Wrath." He stated in monotone before shaking his head and returning to normal.

"You need to rest..." Sakurai said, pulling him down and lying his head in her lap. "Come on... Go to sleep. I have something to do,"

As Kenshi fell asleep, Sakurai pulled out a phone and dialed a few numbers.

"Hello? Josh, can you and Kyo please sense us and fly here? We need a safe place to be..." Sakurai said.

She went quiet for a bit to let Josh talk.

"Alrighty, thanks!"

She then hung up and tended to Kenshi's sleeping form.

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