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I think it's going to be incredibly repetitive if Netta does exactly what Jacob does, but since there multiple parts in the story where Jacob and about two other people are off doing something we don't know what everyone else is doing. I think it's going to make the story better because you've already heard Jacob's side of the story. That's what I was going for when I started writing. The entire loop at atmosphere is taken into perspective by a newcomer to peculiardom. Why not tell a P.O.V. from someone who's been in the know for a long time? That doesn't mean Netta is staying at the menagerie, she's just not walking in Jacob's footsteps.

"Am I alone in the pain my feet feel?" I asked Horace as we were trudging side by side. At this point we had reached a particularly steep rise. Horace had let his bow tie hang loose on his neck, which must've been a big step for him.

"Nope." He replied. We were halfway up the mountain, and could nearly see the top, when Jacob sat down suddenly.

"Oh, no. Jacob's cracking up." Hugh muttered a few feet in front of me. Jacob didn't react to this. He was intent, like he was listening for something, and his head swerved first one way, and then the other. A long, low howl shrieked from below us and traveled up the cliff wall.

"Hollow, run!" Someone shouted. Jacob was still on the ground, and I grabbed one arm to pull him up. Emma had the other side. We began running as fast as we could for the top. But it was no good, because the minute we turned the corner it revealed a dead end.

"Oh, no!" Miss Peregrine let out a shriek. "We're all going to die!" Horace shouted. Bronwyn ran over with Claire in her arms to Olive.

"Quick, Olive, give me your shoes and take Claire and Miss P. Get to the top as fast as you can!" Bronwyn loaded Claire into Olive's arms .

"I don't think I'm strong enough!" Olive cried.

"You've got to try, little magpie. You're the only one who can help them." Miss Peregrine stood on the top of Olive's head. With her shoes off, but so heavily weighed down, she didn't rise very much. But when Miss Peregrine began to flap her good wing they went up faster.

"I didn't think hollows could enter loops." Jacob said, looking behind him apprehensively.

"It appears they have evolved." Millard said.

"Look out below!" Olive called down the cliff. A net with a photo attachment was added. "There's a lever up here, everybody hold on and I'll pull you up!"

"One at a time?" Jacob read. "We don't have time for that, everyone get on!" We piled on, hooking our feet, our arms, anywhere we could get a handle, and were slowly, excruciatingly slowly, hauled up the cliff side in a tangle of limbs.

"It's going to jump, everyone pull your legs in!" Jacob shouted. Brief readjustments. Olive finished the rest of the way. We sprawled out in a heap. Me, I was thankful the rope didn't snap. What a disaster that would've been!

Thud. Thud. Thud. Rocks were smashing down below. "Ah, Jacob, what is that noise?" I asked tentatively, because it was probably hollowgast related. He looked over and groaned.

"It's trying to climb the cliff. God God, it's like the freaking Terminator!"

"What's that?" Asked Emma.

"Uh, it doesn't matter. We need to knock it off."

"Will this do?" Asked Bronwyn, who picked up a boulder about the size of herself and lifted it above her head. She came up beside Jacob.

"Yes. Now, wait till I tell you where to drop it." She held it. "Further this way." His eyes scanned the cliff.

"Hurry Jacob." Bronwyn said.

Credibility- A Miss Peregrine's FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now