Studying Pays Off for Once

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Once they get to London I'm expecting it to pick up a little. Sorry for never updating.

Every time I stepped I felt pain in my right shoe. After slipping it off I noticed we had been walking so long the sole had worn away and a rock had become lodged there. It took me some time to remove it.

"How long have we been walking for, Jacob?" I called to the front of the line.

"Too long." Enoch muttered.

"The sun is further down the horizon than when we started out from the menagerie." Emma said. "Personally, I'd give it no more than an hour or so."

We had left the home of the animals with some hope. At the very least, a little more energy. Claire had wished us well and Hugh and Fiona had a going-away-moment that was interrupted. It gave me a trail of doubt. It wasn't like I had anybody to miss me like Fiona had. Now we were heading down a trail with trees on both sides and I had no way to go back.

"Do- do you suppose when it gets dark we will stop or will we keep on walking?" I asked.

"I don't know Netta, when we get there I'll tell you. You should've stayed behind if you were going to complain." Jacob said in an annoyed fashion. His face was red and he was weary of walking as well.

I took a breath, trying to compose my self in a ladylike manner. "Hardly complaining Jacob, I was simply asking a question."

"I don't want questions. I want answers." He said shortly. "Sorry for snapping. I don't want to walk on this goddamn road anymore than you."

Bronwyn noticed a cloud of dust rising on the road behind us, way in the distance. "Someone's coming," she said, "what do we do?"

"I suggest you make yourselves scarce, in what limited way you can." Millard advised, throwing his coat into the bushes.

I took a listen to behind us, but it didn't give a clear reading. A string instrument and people laughing. "I'm not hearing things clearly, it could be anything."

There were multiple vehicles traveling. When they finally came in view I broke into a smile, recognizing the brightly colored wagons immediately. Hadn't they been my favorite thing to study about peculiardom? The gypsies were a jolly sort, usually friends of peculiars as well. Children were laughing in them, men were shouting to each other, and there were quiet whispers of women as they talked amongst one another. And horses neighing! Horses! I loved horses, but could never go near one of them in Cairnholm. Their owners grew suspicious when I approached and took them away.

"Are they peculiar?" Jacob whispered to Emma.

"They're gypsies." Emma said.

"Is that good or bad?"

"Dunno yet."

I think Emma knew they were a wild card. As much as I had great things to say about them, I'll admit not all were friendly.

Whispers from Emma and Jacob. Emma motioned to the rest of us to follow her and we jumped on the back of one, being deathly quiet for fear of the, hearing us and getting thrown off our free ride.

We rode like that for a long time, each of our worries of being caught ebbing away slowly. Surely they were harmless. Our thoughts were tested when they pulled off the road to stop for the night. A strange looking man with a large mustache and flatcap came around the back. Each of us started talking at once about being orphans. He shushed us, having no patience.

"Get down from there, all of you!" He shouted, holding tightly to his decorative sharp knife. None of us from our group dared to defy him. Nobody got in a fighting pose, either.

Emma wound us a pretty good tale about being orphans from the West, so I thought we were in the clear. That was until Enoch blew it and said we were being chased. Then we were being chased by bad men who looked like soldiers but weren't.

And that is how we found ourselves locked up in a cage.

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