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So I got tagged thrice, and then another time, so now I have to give 39 facts about myself and list twenty names.

Let's start with names.



Bela Lugosi

Spencer Kim-Lewis

Bruce Lee

Brandon Lee

Edwin Daniel Defries

Olive Abroholos Elephanta

Millicent Bulstrode

Wilhelmina Harker

Nettalyn Edyth Apiston

Orson Scott Card

Isaac Asimov

Ayn Rand

Gary Barkovitch

Keith Matthews

Patrick Swayze

Evan Peters

Ralph Waldo Emerson

Ralph Macchio

Ralph from LotF

And now 26 facts.

1. I hung around Wattpad for a long time before getting an account.

2. The first book I ever read on here was a Percy Jackson song parody book.

3. I have a historical fiction book in the works. It takes place in 1987.

4. When I wrote the X-Men vs MPHFPC rap, I was only going off the 1990's x-men cartoon that I watched when I was like, eight. That's why there's some characters in the rap that aren't in the movies. *cough*Gambit*cough*.

5. I read Catching Fire before The Hunger Games.

6. My sister's favorite Glader is Minho, my little brother's is Thomas, and I like Newt. How balanced is that?

7. My favorite band is Men at Work. Yes, they are from the 80's.

8. I hail from Ohio, and we do love the Buckeyes a whole lot up here.

9. I listed 21 names. Go check, I'll still be here when you come back.

10. I've never ridden a roller-coaster before.

11. I remember which axis on a graph is which because y=ymbrynes, who rank above x=x-men.

12. This doesn't mean I don't like x-men, because I do, I just have a high dislike of idiots comparing the two, because in reality Miss Peregrine's is so much more than just a school for alienated kids.

13. I watch Supernatural, and I like it. Sam Winchester❤️❤️❤️

14. Edwin Daniel Defries is a character from my historical fiction 1987 novel.

15. I like the X-Men. My brother likes the Avengers. We fight a lot. We usually drag Quicksilver into it.

16. I've got a friend who really likes The Flash. I myself really like Quicksilver. We have rants about why each is better. She told me to go watch the Barry Allen Netflix series. I told her to go watch X-Men again.

17. I improved so much since Chapter One of Audibility to the chapter before this. You should read them both again. Taste the difference.

18. In the summer months, I amuse myself with softball. I play third base.

19. One big thing at my school is the Bee Movie. Another is Harambe. And another is Pawn Stars. You never know what's gonna come through that door. The boys at my school aspire to be just like Big Hoss.

20. I started a paint-by-number today.

21. I feel like complete crap for not updating.

22. I've already written the Enetta reunion. I just have to write everything in between. Plus a cute epilogue.

23. I know precisely four Twenty One Pilots songs. But I do not know the name of one of those four, only that my friend played it in her car.

24. That same friend once wrote a story by herself on my Wattpad profile. The story was posted for 24 hours, and shall never see the light of day again.

25. That last one was a lie, I'm going to copy paste it here.
Once a day Janet runs to the supermarket to purchase a new corn cob for chewing, although this time is different. Corny was standing there- alone. What does a young lad do when his eyes lay on the most beautiful maiden in the land?! He couldn't resist. He bent over and began to gnaw. Juicy. Firm. Just what he needed to replace his dead mother. She was firm as well. Very firm. Very juicy. He only wanted love. Or a tasty yellow corn cob. He couldn't decide. Who could? It was only seconds before his eyes began to water. A lake of tears covered his new corny friend. It was too late to boil her. She was too broken: but so was Janet. Janet always disliked the way his lavender locks twisted open his eyebrows, it made his nostrils quiver. Corny wasn't as great as Janet. Although they were a match. A perfect match. Corny had a brother named Raisin Bran. RAISIN BRAN WAS ALWAYS SUCH A BOTHER. HE HATED CORNY. CORNY HATED RAISIN BRAN. They got into a fight when Janet gnawed on CORNY. RAISIN WAS JEALOUS. so he slit his brothers pinky toe and was decided the winner of this brotherly war.

26. I'm glad I got that over with.

27. I have 5 tabs open on Safari. They are
Back to the Future Day
Girl breaks wall on hover board-Youtube
Evan Peters|Tumblr
CPM Ebooks-CC Algebra 1
And finally a calculator.

28. Neither Republican nor Democrat nor Conservative. It's something else.

29. I'm an avid crocheter. I must have five scarves and three hats.

30. I don't know how I'm going to fill the rest of these up.

31. If you're ever having a bad day, just remember-
I was attending a birthday party for a boy in Kindergarten when I walked in on one of his friends peeing. The host has since moved away but to this day me and the dude I walked in on have never spoken a word about it to each other since.

32. I made a failed story called Preserving Extraordinares. You know, Bigfoot, Nessie, Grassman, Loveland Frog. Pretty much everything except the Florida Nightcrawlers, but those things scared me too much to research them. I put so much research into it. But have hope, because I'm going to be shifting P.O.V around to a more interesting character.

33. I write out all of the Audibility trio from my trusty iPad mini I got like, three years ago.

34. I learned about MPHFPC through my parents, they had both read it before.

35. I got an iPhone for mah birthday.

36. I'm a Sagittarius. You know, star sign?

37. My favorite Disney movie is Oliver and Company. What decade? That's right, the 1980's.

38. While writing novels is my main goal, my career choice is a Forensic Pathologist. Look it up, but don't think too harshly of it.

39. My password for important non school related things is 3-12-92. But don't hack into my Wattpad. It uses my school password.

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