Decisions, Decisions

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I swear this is just the beginning, I'll have a bigger chapter up later.

The mood of our group was decidedly low when Addison came out of the house. The answer was that only an ymbryne could take her out of her state. We didn't have an ymbryne. I myself didn't think there were any ymbrynes left in Europe.

"How much longer does she have?" Asked Millard.

"Two days, if she's strong." Addison declared grimly.

Two days was hardly enough time to get across the country, let alone find something akin to a needle in a haystack. "We've got time. We'll go to London, free one of the ymbrynes there and fix Miss Peregrine." Said Jacob.

"I suppose you have a way to get past the horde of hollows who'll be guarding the punishment loop entrances as well!" Barked Addison.

"We've got Jacob!" I exclaimed. They turned to look at me. "With a hollow-seer it will be easier." My voice died down.

"You do have me." Said Jacob.

Enoch was plotting. "The wights are convinced we are docile and weak. Us coming after them is the last thing they'd expect."

"But if we fail we'll have hand-delivered Miss Peregrine right to their doorstep." Said Horace. Someone muttered coward.

"None of that!" I shushed.

"There's nothing wrong with being frightened. If we try this, we may well lose Miss Peregrine. But if we don't try, if we don't go, there's no question we'll lose her. The wights will likely catch us anyway."

"Ahem. Emma, what about Claire?" I asked. "Will she be going?"

"Of course I will, Netta!" Said Claire.

"No, I can't worry about you." Said Emma.

"Well, will someone stay with her?" I asked.

"What about you? You're not very useful?" Snapped Enoch.

"Enoch!" Groaned Emma. "Netta is useful. I will not have your petty relationship issues disrupt the flow of our group. Now shut up!"

Enoch grumbled and turned away.

"Now, Netta," began Emma, "you can stay if you want. You can look after Claire."

I was about to accept, when someone else spoke. "Emma, I'll stay if you like." Fiona's soft voice reached us.

"Thank you, Fiona." Emma nodded gratefully. "I guess you're staying." She said to me.

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