Chapter 6: In the Mountains

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When they got home from the battling arena,after they battled Absol, they wanted to go on another adventure so....they went to the MOUNTAINS isn't that exciting??....Well So Leafeon, Pidgey, and Vaporeon. The best of friends....OH WAIT I forgot 1 more....LACEY THE LUVDISC...who am I not saying Lacey the luvdisc...😊Okay Okay Okay I'll tell what they did in the mountains so lets get right into this..................

==÷They are getting ready to go into the Mountains÷==

"Hey guys....HEY GUYS" Leafeon yelled. "ZzZzZzZz ahuh what AH"Vaporeon said. "Lets go into..........THE MOUNTAINS" exclaimed pidgey. "ARE YOU CRAZY WE ARE GOING TO MT.POKÉFIRE. ITS THE MOST DANGEROUS MOUNTAIN IN ALL THE LAND." yelled Leafeon. "Woah woah woah slow down there little Mr. Flareon."said Vaporeon. "ME A FLAREON IM NO FLAREON YOIR A FLAREON GRRRRR!!" yelled Leafeon.

==÷There in the Mountains÷==

"Finally we are in Mt.PokéFire." pidgey said. "Are you SCARED Leafeon? XD." laughed Vaporeon. "No....No....Noo..No Im not---AHH ITS A------leaf" Leafeon Said. "HAHAHAHAAHAA YOUR SCARED" laughed pidgey. "HEY!! >:(" said Leafeon. "So lets get Going" Vaporeon said.

So there having fun exploring (and I'm really running out of idea's here so bear🐻 with me and plz vote) Lets see what Vaporeon,Pidgey, And Leafeon Find next...So they made camp there and now there eating some delicious.......whoops can't say anything😄.

==÷Some Good Food÷==

So they got there Sticks,Stones, And of course FIRE. So back to them "What are you making there Pidgey?" asked Leafeon. "Oh some of my best....the Greatest,The Magnificent....S'MORES." Exclaimed Pidgey. "Mmmm These are SOO good Pidgey" said Leafeon. But Just then there was a rustling in the bushes " *Sniffs* Mmm whats that DELICIOUS smell" ??? Said. I'll give you a hint (he is fire type and is a salamder pokemon) You guessed it its Charmander and how I know its Charmander is because its CharMANDER SalaMANDER. So thats how I know

==÷Meeting Charmander÷==

"AHHHHHHHHH" Charmander yelled. "AHHHHHH" Vaporeon yelled. "AHHHHHH"Pidgey yelled. "AHHH...wait is that you CHARMANDER long time know see old buddy" Leafeon said.
"Leafeon I missed you so much" Charmander said.

==÷There Coming Home with a Friend÷==
"MOM WE ARE HOME AND WE BROUGHT A FRIEND" Yelled Leafeon. "Wow Leafeon this is a nice place" Charmander Said.

So the boys and girl are alseep and they had a big day and thank you ALL of you who read my books it means ALOT to me thank you.

And I Got charmander From a friend
Shoutout to charizardlover001 MSKewlKid115B-D


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