Victor worries about Yuri... until night comes.

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"Yuuri, you have to work on your flips more, it seems you're a little distracted today. What's wrong?"

Victor skates over to Yuuri who is sitting on the ice with his head buried in his arms. 

Yuuri was definitely not normal today.

"Uhh... Yuuri? Mind telling me what's wrong? " Victor tentatively placed one hand onto Yuuri's shoulder, closely observing his face for a response.

Yuuri finally looks up at Victor with tears in his eyes. He looked somewhat forlorn and broken on the inside; he looked so vulnerable.

"Yuuri, who bullied you? Tell me, I'll go settle him right away. I'll buy you your favourite katsudon set later for lunch, so don't cry anymore, okay?" Victor picks Yuuri up and holds him gently in his arms.

The strength in Yuuri's legs slowly slipped out of him and Yuuri collapsed in Victor's arms.
Victor was taken aback.

"Yuuri! Are you alright?!" Yuuri only looked at Victor with his half-opened eyes, too weak to respond. Victor carried Yuuri to a bench and realised that his body temperature was way too low. Was Yuuri feeling unwell? Yuuri's lips and face didn't have much colour; Victor deemed it necessary to call a doctor immediately.

Yuuri was indeed sick. Victor, at this point in time, was worried sick about Yuuri.

Had he pushed him beyond his limits during trainings? Was it too much for Yuuri to handle? Victor felt incredible pangs of guilt inside -- it felt so horrible, it hurt him so much to see Yuuri like that. 

"Vi...ctor...?" Yuuri opened his eyes slowly on his bed and whispered.

Victor instantly focused his full attention on Yuuri.

"Yuuri! Are you feeling better now? I'm... I'm so sorry for pushing you to train so hard, I..."

"It wasn't your fault, Victor. It was me... who pushed myself. I wanted to win the Grand Prix Final so that I wouldn't disappoint you. Please don't feel bad about it, Victor. I will get better before the competition. " Yuuri gave a faint smile and held on to Victor's hand.

Victor hugged Yuuri tightly, as if he was afraid he would lose Yuuri. Yuuri's competition was at the back of his mind, because Yuuri mattered much more to him than anything else.

He was so relieved after hearing from the doctor that Yuuri was just having a common cold.

"I'll go cook something for you to eat, so just wait for a while, Yuuri!" Victor said, and he was about to leave Yuuri's bed when Yuuri grabbed on to his arm.

"Don't go, Victor. Can you stay with me for now?" Yuuri asked, his face giving a pleading and somewhat pained expression.

Victor nodded, and held tightly onto Yuuri's hand until Yuuri fell asleep. Victor, too, unknowingly fell asleep beside Yuuri's bed, their hands never being let go of.

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