2. A year in the life: Taylor

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 The moment the door closes behind Karlie Taylor's heart falls to the ground. She doesn't move from the spot where she is standing for at least ten minutes, still thinking that Karlie is going to turn around and come back but that doesn't happen. She wasn't expecting that conversation to end like it did but the truth is that she is not sure about what she was expecting. She finally moves only to sit on the couch. It has taken her a lot of time to make that decision, and it was hard for her, even if Karlie thought it wasn't. For some weeks she has tried to convince herself that they wouldn't break up like for real. Somehow she wanted to think that when she told Karlie about the book they would be apart while she studies and works on it but not like a real break up. She was naif thinking it because Karlie made it clear, they have broken up, for real, Karlie made her choose between her book, her dream and her. 

She wasn't expecting either that it would hurt so much, Karlie left like fifteen minutes before and she already feels empty without her. She raises her head and looks around, the house feels cold and it reminds her that Karlie is gone. She let her emotions sink in and starts crying on the same couch were Karlie was laying before she decided it was time to break the news to her. She can't believe everything she is feeling inside her, she has never felt worse in her life. When she finally calms herself down a little bit she walks around the house realizing that she can't stay there for two more days, not without Karlie. She grabs her iPad and looks for some flights to go back home, as soon as she can. There's a couple, they are expensive but she has her credit card so she can afford them. Before booking any flight she decides to call her best friend since she doesn't want to go back home but to her apartment and need an ally for it. 

-Hi girl- Selena answers picking the phone. 

-Hey Sel- Taylor says- what are you doing? can we talk? 

-I'm just watching a movie with your brother- Selena explains- but yeah, we can talk. 

-Are you at our place?- Taylor asks trying not to sob. 

-Yep, I can't wait to have you around, this apartment it's so cool- Selena says excited. 

-Well you will probably have me there sooner that expected- Taylor sighs. 

-Why? What happened?- Selena asks getting up and leaving Austin to talk with Taylor privately. 

-I... it's just.... Karlie and I broke up- Taylor confesses.

-WHAT?- Selena yells so loud that makes Austin run to the room.

-What happen?- Austin asks worried. 

-I'm fine it's just that Taylor and Karlie broke up- Selena says. 

-What?!- now is Austin the one yelling- why? 

-Selena can we talk privately please?- Taylor begs when she hears her brother around.

-Babe leave us alone ok? She needs to talk with me- Selena explains. 

-Okay- Austin accepts, only because he knows that Selena will tell him what happened when the call is over. 

-Sorry about that, what happened Taylor?- Selena asks focusing again on her friend. 

-I just... I told her about the book and everything went down in flames and I tried to explain why I did it but.. it's a book Selena, I couldn't say no and...

-Taylor you are not making any sense- Selena sighs since Taylor is talking faster every second- take a deep breath please. 

-Okay- Taylor says and does what Selena tells her until she feels more relaxed. 

-Now what happened?- Selena asks. 

-I... I don't want to talk over the phone about this Selena- Taylor says being honest- I'm calling because I'm going to book a flight back to Nashville but I don't want to go to my house yet, can you go to the airport and pick me? 

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