I Need Him.

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Sasuke's POV

I want him... I need him... I crave him.

  Naruto.. the name just slides off my tongue so beautifully. I want to see him again. I would give anything to hold him.

  I'm Sasuke Uchiha, 24 years old and I am infatuated with Naruto Uzumaki. A seductive like man who could kill you with his beautiful icy blue eyes, His voice is like listening to a soft melody of one of Mozarts pieces while laying by a stream. I need to see him again.
  My infatuation with the sun blonde male happened when I was brought to a show by my friends, I was, of course, like always, opposed to the idea of going out on a weekday..but this day.. something deep in me told me to go.
  I arrived with my friends, Garra and Neji. Although they are in fact a couple, they always go to these shows, of course it was because they owned the theatre and booked the performers, they told me this performer would definitely catch my attention. They were right.
  The lights turned off and the spotlights came to view with a dim shade of yellow. The show had started and on came a song so light in melody and slowly moved into an upbeat slow tempo, on came the sun blonde beauty, he wore a black kimono with golden Sakura flowers and a dark blue mask that covered half of his face. So elegant and gentle, this man could indeed, kill with his movements, and never be caught. If you were to ask me the man was definitely my type, I smirked as I thought of how well this man would be in bed. I saw him move swiftly my way. As he reached me he ran a finger across my chest and down my tie, he was using me as a prop, playing with me like a toy. Then suddenly I felt a hand in my pocket, he swiftly moved back to the stage, I reached into my pant pocket and see a note that read 'You are chosen to spend 1 hour with me after the show backstage. You pick what you want to do with it' on the back of the paper had a beautiful design of a black silhouette with blonde hair by a Sakura tree. This man, will be the death of me.

  The show ended in the most beautiful way ever seen, he grabbed a silky rope that hung from the ceiling, in which he stood on and lifted him up. The dim lights of the theatre turned on, a wildly loud applause was heard and slowly people started making their way out of the place. I on the other hand, needed that hour with the blonde male. I made my way to Garra and Neji, who were by the bar in the back of the place, stealing kisses from eachother.
  The long haired brunette spoke. "So, Sasuke, enjoy the show?" He said through a smirk
"I guess you could say that." I held out the note card I had recently received "Where's the room, Neji?"
"Well, well, Who knew Sasuke Uchiha would actually want to see the man in the mask?" Garra said with such amusement
"Hn, this man is special" I said
All I wanted was to see his full face and spend that hour with him doing anything I asked of him.
  "Room 3, just walk up on the stage, go behind the curtain and walk down the hallway, it'll be on the right" Neji said as he snaked a hand around Garras waist and pulled him closer whispering something in his ear with a smirk. Garra blushed and lightly pushed Neji away "Don't say such lewd things right now" Neji chuckled
  "Hn, I'll leave you both now. Thanks, Neji. See ya Garra"
  Garra nodded his head before speaking "Sasuke, want us to wait or will you take the subway?"
"I'll take the subway. Get home safe you two" I spoke knowing they both didn't want to wait an hour to get to their home and do what they "needed"
  I made my way to the stage and went behind the black velvet curtain and down the stairs to the hallway and found room 3. I knocked twice, lightly.
"Come in!" Spoke the voice behind the maroon door. The voice was so soft and smooth.
  I opened the door and there he was, sitting at his vanity taking off the left over makeup, the sun blonde haired man who was so beautiful I just wanted him to be mine..


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