Fate To An Hour.

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  "Naruto Uzumaki, what's yours?" I said moving away from him and laying on my navy blue couch.
"Sasuke" Said man moved closer to me lifting my chin to meet his eyes "Sasuke Uchiha"
He moved his hand from my chin and sat on the chair across from the couch
  "So, Naruto, Tell me.." 

Naruto's POV

"So, Naruto, Tell me.."  He crossed his arms and looked at me  "Why does one such as yourself choose to do this line of work, Hm?"

Start: 11:50 P.M

60 minutes

    I sat up straight and looked at him with a smirk  "Mr.Uchiha-"  I was cutoff before finishing his name.

"No, No formalities. Call me Sasuke."

"Well then..Sasuke.."  I got up and started to undress  "Someone who is in this line of work, tend to love entertaining people, no?"  I move closer to him, while buttoning up my dress shirt, slowly, so he can get a feel of as to why I enjoy this work.  "I, on the other hand, love the seduction art of it all"  I move to the back of his chair and lean down to his ear and slightly brush my lips against the skin behind his ear.  "Sore ijō no koto wa arimasen."  I hear him mutter. I put on my dress pants in front of him and walk to the door on my left, and open it. I grab my fitted tux coat from the coat rack and head out the dressing room door.  "Hey! Where are you going?" I feel the ravenette's strong grip on my wrist  "Now,Now Sasuke, I gave you an hour didn't I?"  I removed my wrist from his grasp and intertwined our fingers  "Let's go."  I gave him a sheepish smile. 'tch' was all I heard from him before he started pulling me along side him and taking me out of the black with golden outline, building.

50 minutes

    We were walking in a park that had a river flowing right down the middle of it, in silence, after having asked each other just the basic get to know you questions, when Sasuke decided to speak.  "You haven't asked my profession yet, Why's that?" I looked at him and tilted my head slightly and give him a confused look  "Huh? O-oh. I apologize. Then tell me, what do you do?"  I hear that same 'tch' noise come from him before he speaks  "I am the editor in chief for Hebi Times"  He said in a confident tone, along with a smirk. We sit at a near by bench before I reply "Is that right? Then why were you here instead of at work? I heard editor in chiefs get most of the work since they are more advanced."

"Well unlike most journalist establishments, Hebi isn't incompetent in finishing their magazine like everyone else, on time."  I made an O with my lips and then a smile crept onto my face as I thought of something  "Nyeh, Sasuke?" I asked in a innocent tone, Dragging out his name  "Hn?" he replies in an almost annoyed tone after hearing my innocent to god one  "can we go get some food? I'm starving" I say with a puppy dog pout.  "tch. I guess I could also go for some food."  I smile a soft smile before pecking his cheek and start walking with him by my side, I hear him 'tch' and look at him only to hear him say "Kuso" and turn his head to hide a blush.

30 minutes

    We arrive at a place, after a 5 minute walk, called The Akatsuki. It is a two story building with mainly glass and mirror exterior, with sand colored bricks that have been glossed over and six steps leading to the door where a butler is to hold doors, The interior is beautiful walls that are like a faded gold with few art pieces on them on the ceiling is a big chandelier that looks to be made of only, pure crystal...



Sore ijō no koto wa arimasen : There is nothing beyond that

Kuso : Damn

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