Only A Night.

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30 minutes

We arrive at a place, after a 5 minute walk, called The Akatsuki. It is a two story building with mainly glass and mirror exterior, with sand colored bricks that have been glossed over and six steps leading to the door where a butler is to hold doors, The interior is beautiful walls that are like a faded gold with few art pieces on them on the ceiling is a big chandelier that looks to be made of only, pure crystal...

Sasuke's POV

    I smirked as I saw Naruto's mouth drop with shock as he saw the interior of The Akatsuki restaurant. I gripped his hand and started pulling him to the front desk. "Hello Konan, Table for two please?" I asked while glancing at Naruto, who's eyes were bulging out of his head while looking around the restaurant. "Hello Sasuke, right this way". We followed Konan to the table in the back corner. We sat down and received our menus "Do you want the chef personally?" Konan asked through a smirk.
"No, Konan. That's alright". I said through gritted teeth. "Okay,okay. I will be back to get your orders. Till then, anything to drink?" She asked with a smile. I turn my attention to Naruto who doesn't speak but stares at his lap.

    I look at Konan and say "Just bourbon for me" I said before turning my attention back to him only to see that he shrunk down into his seat, probably feeling intimidated. I smirk and notice he wasn't even paying attention. I reach across the table and take hold of his hand and give him a reassuring smile.
"O-oh. Sorry, um, just a strawberry daiquiri" he says with an adorable, sheepish smile, I let go of his hand and pick up my menu. Konan writes our drinks down before smiling at us and turning on her heel to leave.

25 minutes

    "Sasuke?" I look up from my menu and see Naruto looking at me with his azure eyes. "Yes?" "How come you spoke harshly when the hostess asked if you wanted to see the chef?" He asked me in such an innocent tone, I swear, I saw him wearing a halo for a split second. "Uh, The chef is my brother, Itachi, and well about a month ago I told him I was gay and he didn't take it too well... he's gay himself, but he's thinking more about our parents. You see, when he came out.." I let out a deep long sigh before leaning back in my chair and continuing "our parents disowned him and stopped paying for the restaurants monthly rental, although the restaurant is doing well, there are times it becomes slow and he can barely make the payments, so when I told him I was gay he was hysterical, saying how I can't come out to our parents because they won't accept it and disown me as well, and will stop paying for my apartment and The Hebi Times-".

    I was cut off by Konan coming back and asking for our orders, and refill on drinks. I ordered a medium-rare steak with red wine, while Naruto ordered a ramen bowl with orange juice, an interesting combination.

    Naruto started our conversation again. "Wait I thought you only worked at the times, not owned it?" He said confused "I do, my parents own it. The deal was, if I want to pursue my writing career. They pay for the building and sponsor it, my father is a very important man so he can afford it, however.. I have to work my way up the ladder until I become manager and can keep the building running on my own".
"I see, and if you were to come out, you wouldn't be able to pursue in writing and you wouldn't have support". He said while piecing the parts one-by-one.

"One medium-rare steak with red wine and a ramen bowl with orange juice?" Konan stated quite interested in why the orange juice was ordered with ramen. She left yet again and I picked up our conversation.

"Exactly, I didn't understand why my brother was so mad about it all, not until just a week ago when I realized just how much my parents supported me, financially, that is". I took a bite of my steak and saw Naruto make an O with his mouth before speaking.
He grinned and said "I see and if it's that much, financially, you would be dirt poor if they stopped supporting, you are just too stubborn to apologize and won't admit that you are in the wrong". He ate some of his ramen before taking a drink of his orange juice.
I was taken aback by his words. Me? Stubborn? That might be true but Itachi didn't have to loose it. Tch. Whatever. We continued eating in silence.

10 minutes

    We finished eating and I paid the bill. I looked at my watch and realized we only had 10 minutes left with each other. I felt a pang in my chest. I didn't want this night to end. We walked out of the restaurant and started walking back to the theatre. "Sasuke" Naruto spoke with a hint of sadness in his voice. "Yes, Naruto?"
"I'm leaving tomorrow". That one sentence made my heart ache. I can't possibly be in love with him already, yet the thought of him leaving is making me anxious. I looked at him before saying "I know" a frown very prominent on my face. "I don't wanna go, but I have to. This work doesn't evolve around me.. sadly my manager, Sakura, is very strict and sticks to a tight performance schedule". We walked in silence.

5 minutes

    We were standing outside of his dressing room, just looking at each other, before he spoke. "Sasuke?" That tone of innocence in his voice again, I felt heat rush to my face. "Yes?"
I felt his small hands cup my face before feeling petite, plump lips on mine...


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