The Grave of the Fireflies (Hotaru No Haka)

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Hello guys! I know it's been a while since I updated but now I'm back. The next chapters that I will post will be some heart-touching movies. If you are like me who cries my eyes out while watching a really heart-touching animes, then these movies are definitely a must watch.

I re-read this book and I realised that my grammar is horrible. I want to apologize to you all for my horrible grammar, please bear with me.

Here we go!


Title: The grave of the fireflies (Hotaru no haka)

Type: anime (movie)

Episodes: 1

Date of release: 1998 ( I know it's a really old movie (^_^)"

Author: Akiyuki Nosaka

Summary: This movie is the story of Seita, a boy young boy and his little sister Setsuko. The story first starts at Sannomiya Station, Seita was dying of starvation, when he died , a janitor was moving his body but he discovered a candy tin with a what seems like stones inside. He threw it away and the spirit of Setsuko springs from the candy tin and the spirit of Seita joined her with a cloud of fireflies. The flashback begins in Kobe in the final months of the world war II. His village was attacked by thousands of incendiary bomblets causing a massive fire. Seita's mother died calcinated in the fire. The two siblings moved in their aunt's house where she mistreated them and convinced them to sell their mother's belongings for rice but he kept a candy drops tin. Not being able to tolerate her ill-treatments, they left and went to live in an abandoned bomb shelter. Unfortunately having no food and no money, Seita was forced to steal and Setsuko fell sick from dehydration and malnutrition. Later on Setsuko died from her malnutrition.


My Opinion:

Well the story is kind of slow and the graphic is not perfect but the scene where Setsuko dies and the heart really ached and I cried my eyes out. Like my brother said a really masterpiece is when you already watched a movie and you watch it again and you already know what's gonna happen but still you cried again.

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