Hotarubi no mori e (Into the forest of the fireflies light)

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Another heart touching movie. Here we go again!

Title: Hotarubi no mori e (Into the forest of the fireflies light)

Type: Anime movie & One shot manga

Episodes: 1

Date of release: 2011(movie), 2003 (manga)

Genres: Romance, comedy,drama

Summary: The story revolves around a girl named Hotaru and a boy named Gin (oh he is so handsome). One summer when Hotaru went to his uncle's place, she was lost in the forest which was said to be the forest of the spirits. Fortunately a boy,Gin , found her and told her that he'll help her. She was so happy and she wanted to hug Gin but every time she tried, he dodged her hugs and finally she was hit with a stick. The reason why Gin wouldn't let Hotaru to hug him was because if a human touch him he will disappeared. He gave Hotaru one end of the stick and he grabbed the other and led her to the exit of the forest. Everyday hotaru met Gin until the end of summer. When summer ended, they made a promise that each year they will spend their days together. Each year Hotaru was changing and growing up but as for Gin he stayed the same, it seemed that he never grow up. One summer when Hotaru was finally in high school, Gin invited her to a spirit festival where all the spirits disguised themselves as human and human often sneaked in the festival. That night Gin told Hotaru that he didn't think that he'll be able to be there for the next summer as his body was weakening. In fact he was not a spirit but a human, when he was still a baby he was abandoned in the forest by his parents, he was supposed to die but the spirits of the forest cast a spell on him,he'll be able to live but human cannot touch him else it would be the end. They enjoyed their time at the festival. On the way back home, Gin removed his mask and put it on Hotaru's face to be able to kiss her forehead. But unfortunately a group of children were playing and a boy would have fell if Gin didn't prevent him from falling. The boy was actually a human and Gin started to disappeared, Gin then told Hotaru to come in his arms to hug her and she did. Gin disappeared in her arms and her body became a cloud of fireflies. His remaining soul confessed to Hotaru that he loved her and she replied that she loved him too. Then the spirits thanked Hotaru for granting Gin wish before he died.

My Opinion:

To be honest this is the top best saddest anime I watched so far. At first I thought that it's only a 44 mins movie, I won't be affected but the scene where Gin disappeared that completely torn my heart apart. The next day I watched the movie, I listen to a song Hotaru from Maiko Fujita . It was an AMV for Hotarubi no mori e and just listening to this song made me cry again.

Quote from the movie: "Come here Hotaru, I can finally touch you." ~ Gin

Next chapter is Kimi no nawa, another top best anime movie I watched.

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