{Wooseok Imagine}

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Requested By:@-cocktaeil

Hope you like it and it's the way you wanted it. Sorry for the slow imagine updates, sadly I'm not a very fast writer, but hopefully it's good.
Your POV

Sighing I got out of bed, it was another day of school. I really didn't want to go to school, but then again who does.

I got up and did my morning routine once I finished, I grudgingly put my uniform on I hated the bright yellow uniform that was the exact opposite of my personality. "Y/N you're going to be late hurry up!" My mom yelled at me. I ran out the door not wanting to have her lecture me and started my way to school.

Heading into class I was greeted with a chorus of hellos from my small group of friends. I mumbled a small hello in return dropping my bag onto my desk and laying my head onto it, "Didn't sleep well huh?" A voice asked I merely nodded not caring who it belonged to.

The day went on being very uneventful until lunch, I grabbed my food and went to sit with my friends in one of our classes seeing it was far to cold to be on the roof. Our lunch was mostly quite with the occasional laugh from my friends, but it was disturbed when the school bully showed up. He wasn't to be feared unless you got on his brothers bad side, but people avoided him anyway. I glared at the boy who had interrupted our peaceful lunch time not wanting to be anywhere near him.

Not caring about the glare he was receiving he sat down across from my friends and I. If he wasn't considerably taller than me then I probably would've kicked as he walked by, but his height gave him a easy advantage. I merely ignored him for as long as possible until he started to throw little balls of paper at the back of my head. I endured it the first two times, but when he threw the third one I couldn't handle it. I ended up turning around and yelling "DO YOU MIND?!" The rest of the room fell quiet, probably because that would have to be the biggest reaction I'd ever shown during my time at this school.

Not getting an answer I grabbed my bag and stomped out of the room. Not caring that the bell for our last class rang and people were trying to tell me to return to class.

Wooseoks POV

I was walking to my next class when I saw Y/N walking out of our next class. Y/N looked mad, I was worried so I decided to follow Y/N outside of the school. Not caring that I was missing class, since I could make up a excuse saying I wasn't feeling well and honestly Y/N was more important to me than class.

I was a few feet behind her, but I was catching up to her with my long legs. Once I caught up to her, I grabbed her arm and spun her around to face me, "WHAT DO YOU WANT?!" She yelled at me. I loosened my grip on her wrist shocked at her sudden outburst, she quickly pulled her wrist out of my hand and looked up at me. She looked apologetic, but I knew she wouldn't say sorry, "It's fine don't worry" I said while retracting my hand "So why did you just leave school?" I asked quickly. Y/N crossed her arms across her chest and huffed, "None of your business is why" she said coldly. I was slightly annoyed, but I wouldn't leave Y/N alone no matter what.

"What happened?" I asked again with a slightly more serious tone and looked down at Y/N. She looked down in shame, " I'm asking because I care Y/N so tell me please," I could almost the pleading tone in my own voice. Y/N looked up her face having the same stoic expression as always very different from before, "I got upset, that's all" she said quickly her voice like ice. I couldn't handle how she was treating me, I felt like a stranger to her. Running a hand through my hair I sighed, "Damnit Y/N, I like you!" I practically yelled it at her "That's why I've been following you." I was hoping to get a reaction out of her, maybe even a smile or a laugh something, anything would be better than nothing. She didn't move her face not changing at all "Okay, let's date" she said as though it was not something that I was currently having a heart attack over, as though it was not something that could break my heart, but that made me smile.

Grabbing her wrist I pulled her in to my chests for a hug, she froze I could only chuckle at her reaction "I'm glad" was I all could say. I backed away slightly to pick her chin up and make her look into my eyes. I put my lips onto hers gently wanting her to know how my heart was beating out of my chest, how my hands were sweating I wanted her to feel what I felt.

She seemed surprised, shocked even then I felt a hand creep behind my shoulders onto my neck and make a place there for itself. I pulled away and looked into her face, her face was beat red and she looked away from my eyes. I couldn't believe it Y/N was embarrassed truly and purely embarrassed and I was the person who did it. I pulled into a another kiss before leading her to the nearest food place, so we could talk more. I couldn't ask for a better day with my girlfriend.

I hope you all liked it! More to come in the future!

Pentagon Imagines, MTL, Scenarios & Zodiacs.Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt