📚{Pentagon As School Stereotypes}📚

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JINHO~ That one kid who's really short and gets picked on, but as soon as you do he's about stab yo ass.

HUI~ President of the student council, has power that you will never have in the school so don't fuck with him.

HONGSEOK~ Gym lad. Stays 2 hours after school just to work on his abs.

E'DAWN~ The weird kid that somehow has a decent group of friends all as weird as him.

SHINWON~ The one kid who gets his mom to bring him McDonalds every day for lunch.

YEO ONE~ The guy that flirts with everyone doesn't matter your gender. But when you think he likes you he really doesn't he's just really kind and even buys you an apology gift for this.

YAN AN~ The foreign exchange student that try's to get you to learn Chinese yet every time you mess up he gets all in your face saying how shit you are at this!

YUTO~ The jock with the abs. Doesn't have time for friends; his Bestfriend is literally his baseball bat.

KINO~ The social butterfly. Can literally become best friends with a dog. (Befriended the whole entire animal shelter in less than 10 minutes)

WOOSEOK~ Captain of the basketball team. Literally doesn't know what he's doing. He just got the role because he can slam dunk like a boss.(and is like a head or two taller than everyone else!)

I hope you all liked it! More to come in the future!

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