{Yuto Imagine}

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Oh my god. I'm so sorry this took forever to come out, I've been pretty stressed recently and I lost all my creativity during that. I hope you like it. I think I got a bit too into the kiss scene, so have fun with that! Also it's my longest imagine yet with 1800 words YAY ME. Also my original ending got deleted so this one isn't quite as good. Once again sorry for the wait
~Love Your Writer TJ💙


I could feel everyones eyes on me as I walked through my new schools front doors. It was quite loud from the outside, but as soon as I walked through the doors all conversation stopped, i felt my face go red. So I quickly scrambled away to the school office to get my class list since I had no idea where anything was here. As I scrambled away I could feel everyones eyes following me as I run away. Sadly my escape was short live since i bumped into the very hard chest of someone, "Who are you?" a deep slightly foreign voice said, I looked up scared that I would get in trouble with this new person. I made eye contact with a stunningly handsome boy he had tan skin and dark brown eyes accompanied by dark black hair, i quickly bowed and disappeared from the crowd of students to find the main office without saying a word to the handsome boy.

The entire situation made me bright red as I walked into the schools main office where I was greeted by a older looking lady with slightly gray hair and a girl who looked my age behind her. I quickly made my way to both people and told the older lady my name seeing as she looked like the receptionist, " Y/N here is your class list and Hyorin here will take you around seeing as your both in the same class" The lady told you, Hyorin gave you a smile. "Nice to meet you Y/N" Hyorin said once you left the main office, she stopped by your locker and gave you a quick tour of the key parts of the school," Don't worry about getting to places though, since I'll be with you." Hyorin said noticing how uncomfortable I looked during the school tour.

We made our way to class once the bell rang and Hyorin guided me to a spot beside her since I didn't know anyone else and didn't want to sit by myself. Soon more students filled in and I noticed the attractive boy from before and looking around there were only seats near me or on the other side of the room. I was hoping the boy would go to the seats far away, but he soon made his way to desk behind me, I let out a sigh I really didn't want to deal with this boy. He threw his bag on his desk before he tapped my shoulder. I spun around in my chair to face the boy," I didn't catch your name earlier, mines Yuto" The boy said, not wanting to make a fool of myself I quickly turned around. Thankfully the teacher walked in at that very moment and made a gesture for me to join her up at the front of the room. I quickly stood up and my way to the front of the room.

I stood beside the lady who I assumed was my teacher and made my introduction to the class "Hello I'm Y/N. Please treat me well" I felt uncomfortable under everyones gaze once again and quickly made my way to my seat beside Hyorin. The rest of the day was filled with homework new faces and lots of explanations. Yuto hadn't said a whole word to me until lunch when Hyorin had briefly disappeared to go to her locker while I made my way to mine. I had grabbed my lunch when I felt myself being pushed into my locker as I turned around. I met eyes with the one person who I hadn't spoke to since the day had started, Yuto. He simply stared at me in return causing me to roll my eyes, "Do you need something?" I asked flatly. Yuto just stared slightly unnerving me , so I quickly removed his hands from my shoulders and quickly made my way back to class.


I had finally adjusted to my new school with the help of Hyorin and Minho a classmate who Hyorin had introduced me to a few days after the incident with Yuto. I hadn't had a proper conversation with Yuto in weeks, even though I wanted to I couldn't make myself do it. Yuto had this aura of mystery around which I guess was drew me into him the whole mystery made him more alluring. I made my way to my locker for lunch when I noticed a little piece of white paper hanging out of my locker. Thinking it was nothing I opened my locker to find a little piece of paper flutter to the ground. I picked up the paper and read the note "Y/N meet me behind the gym after school. I won't hurt you I just want to talk ~ Your Secret Admirer " was all it said. I thought it was some kind of joke, but a part of me really wanted to see what this person wanted, so I decided to go to meet them after school even though it sounded dangerous.

I walked towards my final class with butterflies in my stomach at the thought of meeting this so called secret admirer of mine. The butterflies wouldn't let up when I entered my class, it almost felt like my first day of school all over again. I couldn't help, but let my eyes wander over my classmates wondering who this person was, my eyes landed on Yuto the thought of it being him made me wonder how crazy I really was. Class seemed to drone on even with the occasional remarks from my friends at our teacher from my classmates that would've made it bearable  on any other day. A glance at the clock sent the butterflies straight to my stomach again seeing how close it was to the end of the day, I couldn't help but fidget my uneasiness was growing by the second. The clock almost seemed to mock me at its slow pace, but finally the bell rang and I ran out of class not being able to wait a second more to meet my admirer the curiosity was simply killing me.

I decided to head to the bathroom before meeting my secret admirer, but I needed my stuff heading to my locker was where I was met with another note " I'm glad to see your just as excited as I am Y/N" confused would be a good way to describe me right now I was surprised and confused as to how this person knew how I was feeling and that they were also excited. I headed to the bathroom relived it was empty before fixing my hair and uniform while doing so wondering once again who this person was I wondered if it was Yuto, but then remembered how he had made me do all the work on our PARTNER assignment the thought made me sigh in annoyance. I doubled checked my appearance before making my way to the doors that led outside to the back of the school gym.

I suddenly wondered what if this was all one big joke it wasn't April Fools Day today, but a part of me needed to know who this person was joking or not, so I gathered my courage and opened the door. I was greeted by a smug looking Yuto that was smirking with that you fool look, I could feel myself turn red in embarrassment, "Oh Y/N did you think someone actually wanted to meet you and confess" Yuto said in a mocking tone. That pushed me over the edge "What THE HELL IS WRONG WITH YOU!!? DO YOU THINK ITS FUNNY PLAYING WITH PEOPLE!!" I yelled at Yuto, he looked shocked almost scared, but I didn't care. I walked up to Yuto ready to slap some sense into him.

I moved closer to him my blood boiling with each step I took, once I neared him I raised my hand to slap him. Sadly my wrist was easily caught in Yutos' hand, he lowered my hand linking our fingers together. I tried to remove my hand, but his grip was too tight "I'm sorry. I didn't know you felt that way Y/N." Yutos' voice was timid and quiet compared to voice mocking me earlier. I was surprised by his sudden apology I thought Yuto Adachi didn't apologize to anyone no matter what. I was pulled into a hug with Yutos' head in the area between my neck and shoulder, I could feel his lips against my neck the feeling sending shivers down my spine and butterflies to my stomach. I could feel every move his lips made against my neck, they slowly moved as he spoke again "I'm sorry Y/N I was jealous and stupid, I really like you actually ever since we first met actually." his voice was low and embarrassed and every word he spoke sent my heart beating faster and faster.

I removed Yutos' head from my neck with my hands, but his hands on my waist wouldn't move no matter what. I sighed giving up almost instantly almost enjoying the position we were in. I didn't want to trust Yuto" How do I know you're not playing a joke on me right now?" my voice was shaky even though I wanted to sound confident in the moment, Yuto looked hurt at my question" im not surprised you think that seeing how I treated you," his thumbs tracing patterns on my skin through my shirt giving me a calming sensation." I could show you right?" Yuto asked sounding shy I merely nodded not trusting my voice.

That was the moment I felt myself being pushed towards Yuto his lips meeting mine halfway, shock filled my body stunning me. I was processing the gentleness of the kiss before I realized that I hadn't kissed him back and I quickly moved my arms to his neck. His hands tightening their grip on me like he never wanted to end this.The kiss was soft and sweet, but my heart was pounding and my stomach was turning on the inside I was in this world of bliss. The kiss ended to quickly for my liking due to the lack of air. I rested my forehead against Yutos' staring into his beautiful eyes, quiet pants leaving his lips through the half smile he had; I was grinning unable to stop myself from smiling. The hands placed on my waist now encircled me holding the both of us close to each other bliss and joy on our faces," You're Mine Y/N" Yuto half growled half whispered to me before pulling me into another kiss. This one rough sending excitement through my veins.

I could see myself getting used to this if that's what it meant to date Yuto Adachi. He was my first love, kiss and hopefully he'll be my last as well.

I hope you all liked it! More to come in the future!

Pentagon Imagines, MTL, Scenarios & Zodiacs.Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu