{Pentagon And Skinship}

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Average amount of skinship
Loves Hugs
Arm wrapped around your waist is a MUST!
Also a big fan of handholding
Not one for PDA so much
Loves classic cuddles at home
Has a thing for playing with your hair
Loves it when you back hug him more than when he back hugs you (Smol bean)❤️
Is more of a casual kisser

A bit more than the average skinship
Loves to give you back hugs
One for some Mild PDA
Will peck your lips in public but no major kisses! He saves that for home😉
Loves to hold you close when you cuddle but not too close
Loves to braid your hair when bored
Back massages when he's had a hard and stressful day
Passionate Kisser

A bit more than the average skinship
Loves to give you back hugs because he's one of the talls
Is okay with Mild PDA
Loves massages especially after practice and the gym
Loves to hold hands
One to like giving you piggy backs
Likes kissing with you wrapping your legs around his waist and him either setting you on a counter or picking you up by your thighs
Loves it when you lay down on his chest in cuddles while he plays with your fingers in cuddles

Skinship can go to 0-100-0-100 everyday
He's clingy af one moment then needs time to be alone the next
When he's clingy af though he's literally stuck on you like glue
Holds your arm and snuggles into in like a cat does (will probs let out a pur)
Is a boob guy so he loves to lay his head on your chest when he cuddles
He says it's soothing... yeah sure Dawnie
Loves more touchy-feely kisses 😉
Is more of a sub in cuddling
Loves it when you tangle your feet together

Average skinship
Is one for face to face hug more than back hugs
LOVES hand holding
Likes to play with your fingers while lying down
Loves it when you play with his hair
Lil more than average PDA
Is okay with kissing in public as long as it's not making out
Keeps a hand or arm on you most of the time
Is a hand kisser
One to cuddle you in front of the other members to show that your no one else's but his!

Honestly he's like a piece of sticky lint; Won't come off no matter how hard you try
What I'm trying to say is that when it comes to skinship this boi is at a 110%
Literally is #1 (Y/N's) Cuddle Trash
He loves to lay his head on your chest (non sexually) and you'd play with his hair while he'd talk his head off and you listen
PDA at it's best
People on the streets automatically know your a couple due to him non stop kissing your face and holding you close
Making out though is a dish best served at home though
Honestly he'd make you feel so comfortable and loved

•Always touching you some way wither it be holding hands or playing with your hair
•We will give you short cheek pecks
•Way to shy to do any type of PDA, but at home he's gonna be clingy AF
•Loves lay around the dorm and be weird together unless someone sees you then he becomes all shy and awkward would probably stutter
•Would probably love to cuddle you and hold you close. Probably say the cheesy shit Yeo One taught him
•Making out would probably initiated by you, but wanting to be manly to you Yan An would probably take control and holds you real close
• Sweetest kisser ever
•Kisses you like your a fragile doll. Incredibly gentle and holds your head
• Probably learned all his moves from Yeo One

•Yuto would probably be very subtle with skinship
•Would probably hold your hand without anyone noticing
•Yuto loves when you hook your arm around his arm when your out together
•Since your shorter he'd love to put his chin on your head when back hugging you
•He surprisingly loves hugs and cuddling, loves being close to even if he won't admit it to you
•PDA is not his thing, but he will be like a shadow always near you, but doesn't say much
•Any affection in front of the members will result in tons of teasing and a very shy Yuto
•Yuto is a huge fan of making out at home, its a great way for him to show his love since he doesn't do it often
•Is a very passionite lover when alone, but gets shy when you initate anything physical
•Has a arm on you at all times even when its only you two

•Kino is a very innocent lover
•Loves to give you little pecks on your lips or cheeks randomly
•Interlocks your fingers since he doesn't want to let you go EVER
Loves to give you back hugs when your working
•Always holds your hand when you are doing stuff together
•Cuddles for days
•PDA isn't a huge thing, but will give you pecks so people know your his
•Smiles into kisses all the time
•Make out sessions are spontaneous and are filled with passion
•Cuddles are a must when your at the dorm or at home
•Would break into a huge grin if you kissed him randomly and return the favour
•Loved to teach you how to slow dance in the practice room keeps his hands on you the whole lesson
• Probably teaches you dances where he touches you a lot as a excuse

•Probably has his arm around your shoulder when your out
•Loves to kiss you suddenly and then gives you a cheeky grin
•Has his head on your head all time to tease you silently
•Piggy backs are his favourite thing to do when your going somewhere
•Loves to give you back hugs when your trying to do something productive
• Gets really embarrassed when you kiss him in front of his hyungs since they wont let him forget it
•picks you up when you can't reach stuff
•PDA isn't kissing, but more carrying you or having his arms around you so people still know your his
•Calls you cute when you try to kiss, but can't because of your height difference
•Loves cuddling you and will make sure you can hear his heart when cuddling you
•Whines when you refuse to cuddle
•Kisses are shy and short
• Making out is very firey and you'll probably get interrupted a lot at the dorm

I hope you all liked it! More to come in the future!

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