Chapter 4

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Dr. Everett stares at his notes, trying to make sense of what Carlin's been telling him. "When you say he's identical, what do you mean?"

Carlin frowns with impatience. She's gone over all of this already. "I mean identical; it's the same person."

"But you've been having these nightmares for almost ten years."

Carlin throws up her hand in exacerbation. "Which is why I know exactly what he looks like!"

Dr. Everett doesn't move his head from his notes. But his eyeballs shift to look up at her over the top of his spectacles. "And you're sure you've never met Mark before?"

"Believe me, I'd have remembered if I did."

Dr. Everett takes a deep breath, considering.

"That might be it."

"What might be it?"

"Your memories. Your brain's playing tricks on you, creating false memories."

"But they're not false. I've described my nightmares, you must have reams of notes on them."

"Yes, of course, the nightmares really happened. That's not what I'm suggesting."

"Then what are you suggesting?"

"I just...I suspect that your brain has erased all your previous memories of what this..." Dr. Everett pauses to check his notes. "...Devon, you call him...what Devon looked like, replacing that image with Mark."

"But why would I do that?"

"I don't know. Based on your stress, the loss of your job, I would have expected one of your bosses, not your sister's boyfriend."

Carlin corrects him: "Fiance."

"Of course, fiancé. If we can figure out why your brain is targeting him, I think this could be a major breaktrhoguh in your condition."

"Is it possible...just maybe...that these nightmares are a sort of...predictions?"

Dr. Everett has an expression of strong disapproval. "What do you mean?"

Despite his disapproving expression Carlin continues. "I mean, like, what if these nightmares aren't just nightmares, they're sort of like, visions, or whatever, warning me that this Mark is a really bad guy."

Dr. Everett's expression doesn't change. "You mean like psychic prognostications."

"Yeah I guess."

Dr. Everett puts down his pen and leans over, taking Carlin's hand protectively in both of his. "Listen to me, psychologically you're in a very delicate and vulnerable state. You have to be careful because that's exactly what these people prey on."

"What people?"

"Psychics, charlatans." Dr. Everett picks up his pen and starts scribbling a new prescription. "I'm doubling your dosage. But you have to promise me you'll make an effort to get to know this Mark.

"Carlin whines like a little child. "Do I have to?"

And Dr. Everett takes the role of a strict parent. "Yes, you do. For some reason you fear him, you're terrified of him. I'll be honest, we may never know why. But knowing that might not be necessary. If you get to know him, force your subconscious to realize he's not the monster you think he is, then maybe we can finally conquer these nightmares once and for all."

Carlin shakes her head in ascent. And now she knows she has to talk about something equally embarrassing. "I...well, money's really tight right now..."

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