Chapter 13

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Carlin and Hank continue to watch from the edge of the elevated commuter train tracks, which rise on a lattice of metal girders to a height of two stories over the streets below. There is no barrier on the edge of the tracks, since people aren't supposed to sit there. The pair's legs dangle off the edge as they look down on the mural they painted, well obscured from any return-view.

Carlin notices Mark's Audi out of the corner of her eye. "Oh shit there he is."

Hank immediately looks down at the vehicle, equally curious about Mark's reaction. "What do you think he's gonna do, call the cops?"

Carlin shakes her head. "Believe me, he can't call the cops." She watches as the white reverse-lights ignite on the back of the Audi. Then it pulls back around to the other side of the apartment building. "Where's he going?"

"I don't know."

Worried, Carlin takes out her phone and dials a number.

                                                                                         * * *

Heather rushes outside, pulling a wheeled suitcase behind her. She's overflowing with excitement as her heals click against the sidewalk pavement and she leans down to open the Audi's door.

But Mark, the perfect gentleman, hurries around to open her door for her. Heather thanks him with a kiss before sliding into the passenger seat.

Mark retracts the suitcase handle and lifts it into the trunk. Then he hurries back to the driver's side of the car. A yellow cab races by, inches from him, honking with irritation. Mark flicks the cabbie off.

Then Mark slides into the driver's seat and starts the ignition. Heather's phone chirps beside him. Mark reaches out blindly and grabs a little automobile-sized trash can – the kind you buy at a car wash – and holds it out to Heather. "Come on, throw it out," he tells her.

Heather looks at him in faux despair. "But why?"

"You made me throw mine out for the weekend!"

"So you wouldn't get calls from work! This is from Carlin."

Mark rolls his eyes. "Calls from your sister are worse than calls from work."

Heather pretends to be offended and play-punches Mark in the shoulder.

But Mark is having none of it. "Come on, if I have to do it you do too." He shakes the trash can.

"Fine." Heather shuts off the phone and tosses it in the can.

Mark smiles, puts the can down, and pulls into traffic.

                                                                                                  * * *

Carlin and Hank are walking along the maintenance platform back toward the station and Hank's car. Hank is on this cell phone. "I'd like to speak to Mark Lester please." He pauses for a response. "Yes, this is Hank Rosen from Model & Knight. When should I expect his call?" Hank gives Carlin a knowing glance. "Very well he can reach me at this number." He hangs up and gives Carlin the expected news: "Mark's out of the office; won't be back until next week."

"We spooked him."

Hank smiles. "You spooked him."

"This isn't a good thing."

"Isn't that what you wanted?"

"No I wanted to spook her, Heather, not Mark."

"So where'd you spook him to?"

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