A Long Time Ago...

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A long time ago, the world was ruled over by three strong and powerful sisters. These sisters were very wise and loving towards the earth, yet not towards each other. Fights of all kinds broke out between them and continued to this very day.

Past was the eldest child of the sisters, the one that watched dutifully over her sisters. She ruled over both the Waters and Sky-ways. Always on task and straight to the point, this sister had an weakness of doing anything to protect her sisters. She believes that she knows what's best for them and tends to over-look the fact that they were equal to her. Her job was to make sure that her sisters didn't lack on their own jobs and to make sure events go as planned. Her flaw is believing that she had more attorney than anyone else.

Present was the middle child, the glue that held her sisters together. She ruled over Earth and Space itself. Always filled with joy, this sister had an weakness for believing that everything had a way of going the way you plan it to be. Her job was to make sure that souls go the way they need to when people die, as well as making sure no other sister had more power than the other. Her flaw is the fact that she acts before she thinks.

Future was the youngest of the sisters, the one that always enjoyed slacking on her job. Favorited by Present, this sister ruled over Fire, Death, and Darkness itself. Always sarcastic and full of childish humor, Future had an weakness for doing anything that was sure to annoy her eldest sister. She tends to get a cruel liking to having her cheerful sister, Present, always giving her the attention even when she doesn't want it. She tends to harbor an jealous anger for the eldest, Past, for the fact that she rules over water. Her job was to make sure dead souls got safely to the underworld and making sure that fires were always shining brightly in the embers of darkness. Her flaw is believing she deserved more power than her sisters.

This sisters were for-told to never fade and to never lose sight of what is most important, the survival of earth. But one day, the mortals of earth began to push away the fates and see only what makes sense. This caused the fates to slowly fade away, until only Present remained. Now Present was tasked with an important job. She had to choose new sisters to take control of the time and powers held by the original fates. And this is where our story begins, with three very young teenage girls named Mino, Nicole, and Elizabeth Williams. 

The Three Fates: Into the Naruto UniverseTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon