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serendipity (n.) the chance occurrence of events in a beneficial way


Yeri doesn't know why she thought it'd be a good idea to follow the sound of a woman's cry for help.

She had gotten off the subway nearly four hours ago and had been mindlessly wandering the streets of Seoul when she thought she heard a woman scream. It was faint, muted. Surely, it must've come from far away. But still, she frantically looks around, wondering if anyone else had heard. But the people just continued on their way, unbothered. She shrugs it off and resumes on her path. Perhaps she had misheard.

But then she hears it again. Louder, more clearly. This time, she stops and grabs the arm of a passerby.

There's a hint of urgency in her voice when she questions the man, "Did you hear that? Did you hear that woman scream? I couldn't have been the only one." She only gets a confused look before the man frees himself from her hold. The man turns and leaves, mumbling under his breath. She never gets an answer, but she can tell. The man thinks she's crazy. She sounds crazy even to herself.

So she once again continues on her walk, but she can't stop herself from straining to hear the woman again. For awhile, she doesn't. And she's convinced that perhaps she hadn't really heard anything at all.

But then she hears it again, a single cry for help. And this time she's certain. She doesn't even think twice, bent on getting to the bottom of this mystery. With the curiosity of the whole Scooby Doo cast combined, she blindly follows the sound without a second thought.

And that, had possibly been the most stupid thing she could have ever done.

There was a lingering thought in the back of her head: this could be dangerous, and she had wondered if perhaps she should call the police first. But surely, being the idiot she was, she shrugged it off. She had somehow managed to locate an abandoned warehouse, armed with an ominous air and everything. A purse and high heel left outside the entrance. And still, she had entered anyway, because surely, none of those things should've raised a red flag.

And now she's in a rather sticky situation.

You know, the usual action movie combo: damsel in distress, intimidating men in suits (thick gold chains and everything), the protagonist stupidly trying to be the hero but instead gets held at gunpoint.

And unfortunately, she happened to be said protagonist.

She had never considered herself to be courageous or strong... or smart... or quick. Really, she didn't have what it took to be a hero, so she has no idea why she thought this would end well. But what's done is done.

And on the bright side, she's sated her curiosity... though it might get her killed.

The leader of the mobster trio stood before her, his two lackeys keeping her in place. She can only watch as his eyes roam her body for a good minute before they stop and linger on her face, "So, pretty girl, what exactly were you thinking... getting yourself into this situation?" His tone is mocking and Yeri wishes she could swipe the smirk off his face.

Yeri can see the mirth in his eyes. She's about to pee herself, fear making her bottom lip quiver and fingers shake and he's enjoying every second of it. It's sickening.

"I'm sure you know how it goes. Curiosity kills the cat," His smirk widens, and yellow teeth peak out. "but since you're so pretty... we can play first. What do you say-"

And she doesn't know where this sudden burst of confidence comes from. Or how she suddenly has such great aim.

Yeri spits in his face. A glob of saliva hits him dead center. "Bullseye."

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