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dépaysement (n.) when someone is taken out of their own familiar world into a new one

Yeri wakes up to the sound of laughter and indignant yells, and a smile is on her face.

She's still burrowed under her big comforter when the smell of something heavenly hits her — bacon.

Yeri is up and ready to eat in record timing, dragging her blanket along as she waddles out of her room toward the heavenly scent.

She's greeted by messy hair and warm smiles, a chorus of "good morning"s welcoming her. 

Yeri is almost brought to tears — even those damned animal shelter commercials made her cry, don't judge  — in all honesty, Yeri has no idea what she's done to deserve all this kindness. Yeri has never been around so many loving and welcoming people, all these people who constantly wanted to make sure she was comfortable.

It felt like she had 10 moms, and as overwhelming as that sounds, Yeri was enjoying every second of it. 

She had forgotten what maternal love felt like but now that she's felt it again, Yeri knows losing that love a second time would destroy her.

When she takes a seat beside Seulgi, she can't help but notice that Joohyun and Timberland boy — I mean Jungkook, were no where to be seen.  

As the thought crosses her mind, said male enters the dining room.

First came the Timberland Boy™ in all his glory, messy hair, yellow donut hoodie and everything. It was a rather drastic change from the tattoo covered arms and pierced ears she saw yesterday, but Yeri wasn't complaining. In fact, she thought he looked rather cute. 

And then came Joohyun, clad in an over sized white t-shirt which Yeri had a sneaking suspicion belonged to the one and only, Jeon Jungkook. The leader wore her jet black hair in a high pony tail and Yeri wonders how one person could look so good so early in the morning ?? What kind of witch craft..

"Morning, Yeri." the older greets her with a sleepy smile as she moves toward the head of the table, and Yeri returns the greeting.

Yeri tries to ignore the fact that Timberland Boy™ had passed her without even a glance. 

And Seulgi seems to notice how her smile falters the slightest, for she pats Yeri on the back and assures, "Don't worry sweets, he'll warm up to you sooner or later... " Seulgi whispers more to herself, "hopefully." Yeri almost cringes at the 'hopefully' part. 

Yeri steals one last glance in the male's direction to find him happily conversing with Joohyun, a cute smile on his face.

The girls take her to the mall, a rather large one at that, with all of the expensive clothing stores and cute boutiques. 

Joohyun had told her to and I quote "Get in loser, we're going shopping."

Yeri found the request almost too familiar, but she doesn't comment on it, instead she followed the leader's directions.

Joohyun on the wheel, Wendy in the passenger and Seulgi beside Yeri in the back, Yeri felt like she was in a movie, as if she were the new girl in school hanging out with the popular girls. Again, she found the scene to be rather familiar, but she doesn't comment on it.

Yeri had also noticed the girls occasionally snapping candid photos of each other throughout their shopping spree. The action brought a smile to her face every time, she even found herself wondering if she was with high school girls or dangerous gang members. 

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