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aspectabund (adj.) letting or being able to let expressive emotion show easily through one's face and eyes

It's almost 2 pm when there's a knock on the door.

She's hanging out with Seulgi and Joohyun in the living room, a rerun of some variety show playing on the television. Runningman, was it ? Yeri recognizes the pretty female guests as TWICE, that one popular girl group. She remembers the boys at school going crazy over them, singing cherop cherop during break.

She turns her attention toward the girls beside her.

Seulgi was painting Joohyun's nails with an almost scary concentration, making sure to avoid getting polish on the girl's skin.

Joohyun's blabbering about a new movie she recently watched and Seulgi nods along, asking questions here and there.

And Yeri finds it rather weird, watching Joohyun interact casually with the other girl.

It's strange, to see the raven haired girl be so... gentle and seemingly harmless. It's hard to imagine the girl before her as some assassin who killed three men in cold blood. And she probably wouldn't have believed the fact, had she not seen it happen right before her eyes.

She's examining the older girl, wondering if she had multiple personalities when she hears it.


The sound is coming from the front door.

She looks expectantly at the two older girls, wondering if either of them would go answer it, but they don't seem to acknowledge the sound.

Joohyun finally glances toward Yeri, an apologetic smile on her lips "I'm sorry, Yeri, could you answer the door? Usually I would but," She gestures toward the mono-lidded girl with her free hand "well, yeah."

Yeri nods, "Yeah, don't worry about it."

She hops off the couch and strides toward the front door

Answering the door won't kill you, she thinks as she grabs the handle. All she had to do was refrain from embarrassing herself, what could go wrong—

She's greeted by dark eyes and a bored expression.

Well shit.

She splutters "U-h um. Hi. Yeah. Hello. C-can I like, help you? Or something?" Yeri can feel her cheeks burning and she mentally scolds herself. Can I like, help you? Seriously Yeri?

His eyes seem to narrow in confusion, but the corners of his lips raise the slightest, and she thinks she could die, right then and there.

He looks her up and down, and seems to think for a moment. "Well, I mean, this is my house."

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