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HERMIONE STOOD THERE, frozen, until the principal called her name again. Brittany was already standing up there, looking so smug and entitled. Hermione raised her head high, trying to ignore Brittany, but as she walked past her, she whispered to Hermione "you're not even the best at the one thing you're good at!". Hermione was starting to get really peeved off now. There was no way she could be as smart as Hermione, was there?

There must've been some way she had cheated, Hermione just had to figure out how to prove it. She was so annoyed by this point, she was sure her head was going to burst into flames. In fact, her head did feel unnaturally warm, and she was getting some strange looks. The principal looked extremely alarmed, and as Hermione was shaking his hand, he pulled away immediately. She glanced up and saw a flash of red. Then she realised, her head was on fire!

Brittany didn't seem to care at all, she was cleaning her fingernails. Hermione was a little insulted that she didn't care at all, but she had some more pressing concerns. It was becoming increasingly harder to move from the pain. "Miss Bombarda! Get some water for Miss Granger this instant!" Ms Fleming yelled and Brittany finally looked up and noticed the flames on top of my head. She smiled evilly and Hermione had a feeling she knew what was coming. Brittany rushed away and came back with a bucket, which was promptly dumped on my head. Of course, Hermione could hear raucous laughter from people in the audience she was sure were the girls from this morning.

Hermione wiped her wet, but somehow still bushy hair from her eyes and peered out at the audience. They were all trying not to laugh, and all of a sudden, people began screaming. Hermione wondered what had happened, and she suddenly noticed a hissing sound. There were snakes around? Hermione didn't know why everyone was so worried about them, she just thought that they were misunderstood creatures. Everyone except the principal and Hermione rushed from the hallway, the teachers frantically trying to calm everyone, including themselves, down. Before he ran out of the hall himself, the principal walked up to her and said sternly "Miss Granger, I would like a word in my office later today. Your parents will be informed of this incident and will be coming to school to collect you" Hermione's eyes filled with tears, but she managed to control them enough not to let them spill over.

Later in the day, Hermione timidly walked to the principal's office and met her parents there. "Mummy, daddy, it wasn't me! " she cried and ran to them "oh, honey, of course we know it wasn't you" Hermione's father said "I'd like to give that principal of yours a piece of my mind"

"No, sweetheart, don't do that, you'll only make things worse!"

"Oh, alright. But I don't like the way they've handled this situation. There was no way it was her fault!" The secretary poked her head out of the office at this point and said primly "The headmaster will see you now" The Granger family walked quietly in and sat down. The headmaster seemed to be looking at a file. Hermione's, and it was relatively thin. "Ah, Miss Granger. There have been some...incidents over the years. The matter with Mr Crawford?"

"How could she possibly have set fire to him?"

"Mr Granger, I would recommend letting me talk for the time being. Now, I think it would be best for Miss Granger to leave school early today, but before you go, Ms Fleming would like a word" Hermione hoped her teacher wasn't annoyed with her, as she kept trying to explain to people, there was absolutely no way she could have made snakes magically appear out of nowhere.

The Granger family walked into Ms Fleming's office next and Hermione immediately burst out and said "Ms Fleming, it wasn't me, it couldn't have been, how..."

"Hermione, I know it wasn't you, now if you don't mind, I would like a word with your parents, could you please wait outside?" Hermione dejectedly waited outside, sure that she was telling my parents she hated her. She decided to start listening at the door and she caught snippets of the conversation, like 'witch', and 'hogwarts', and 'quidditch'. After about 20 minutes of suspenseful waiting, Hermione finally heard people standing up and Ms Fleming thank them for coming in.

Hermione sprang back into her seat and tried to look innocent as her parents walked out of the office and smiled at her "Hermione, we have some news for you. Please follow us into Professor Fleming's office and she will explain everything" A million thoughts were going through Hermione's head. Professor Fleming? But she was Ms Fleming. What news? Does it have something to do with why Ms Fleming never got annoyed when something weird happened, or those weird words I had heard through the door?

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