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extended summary
After what felt like hours of deliberation, the Sorting Hat had finally made a decision, it seemed. The large rip, which Hermione had deducted was its "mouth", opened and uttered the word Hermione had been dreading the most. "Slytherin!" it called. Hermione couldn't help but be in shock; that was the house she wanted to be in the least. Surely the sorting hat took personal opinions into account? She stood and made her way numbly over to the Slytherin table, who were in fact booing and jeering at her. It seemed that word had gotten around that Hermione was a muggleborn, and quickly, for that matter
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Hermione Granger is definitely not a girl one would call "normal". Sly, cunning, and with a tongue as sharp as a knife (especially for an eleven-year-old), no one is surprised that she doesn't have any friends. But when she gets a letter, inviting her to Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, a school of magic, she is ecstatic. Now, she not only has somewhere to fit in, but she has an explanation for all of the positively bizarre situations she gets herself into!

After extensive research on the matter, Hermione concludes that Gryffindor is the best house, and the one she shall be put in to, but when Hermione gets put in evil Slytherin, how will she cope? A muggleborn Slytherin? Hermione is a living oxymoron! However, Hermione is not the only new student at Hogwarts. Among the other first-years, she is joined by is none other than Harry Potter, the most famous boy in the Wizarding World! Hermione is extremely intrigued by the boy and being friends with him would certainly boost her status. While struggling with discrimination within her own house, Hermione also faces discrimination from other houses due to her Slytherin colours. But how can she ever possibly fit into Slytherin when they are known for being pure-blooded?
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note pt. 1
all rights go to j.k. rowling. i do not own any of the characters, other than professor fleming.

note pt. 2
after reading this over and over, and trying (and failing) to edit the absolute mess that this is, i've decided to discontinue it. it's honestly just stressing me out and it can't be fixed easily. however, i'm keeping it up because, for some bizarre reason, some people seem to like it ? also i'd like to look back and see how far i've come (hopefully) :)

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