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HERMIONE BRUSHED AWAY the couple of tears that had snuck out of her eyes when she saw everyone waving goodbye to their families, and decided to find a bathroom and change into her school robes. Anything to pass the time. Once she found a bathroom and changed, Hermione decided to try and find a compartment. She grabbed hold of the trunk handle, and started to haul it down the train, looking for a compartment.

She was having a lot of trouble finding a compartment, they were all either full, or the people in the compartment were too intimidating to sit with.  Hermione finally told herself that if there was any room in the next compartment, she would have to go in and ask to sit with them. Hermione looked inside the next compartment and sighed to herself. Great. Just great.

There were 3 people inside the compartment. 2 beefy, stupid looking guys, and, of course, Draco Malfoy, the boy with the white blonde hair. Hermione walked inside the compartment as casually as possible and saw all three of them snap their heads to her, as if doing some sort of synchronised dance move. "Uh, c-can I sit here?" she stuttered. Why was I stuttering? Why was I so nervous?

The two meatheads stared at Hermione stupidly, and Draco just rolled his eyes at them. "Yeah, come in. I never caught your name"

"I'm Hermione. Hermione Granger"

"Well, nice to meet you Hermione" he stuck out his hand and she shook it, giving him a small smile. He returned it and was about to say something , when the door of the compartment slid open and another boy walked in. Draco seemed to know him and gave him a small nod of recognition "Blaise"

"Draco. Who's this?"

"Oh, this is Hermione Granger"

Blaise nodded at me, then furrowed his brow, confused "Hang on, what do your parents do?"

"They're...they're dentists. I'm a muggleborn, you see"

The boy called Blaise scoffed and looked questioningly at Draco "really? A muggleborn?"

"I...I didn't realise" Draco said hastily "you should really leave. We don't want mudbloods in our vicinity" he spat, but I noticed something flicker in his eyes. Was that...guilt? Hermione felt tears in the corners of my eyes. Why did she keep crying? She couldn't seem weak.

Hermione left the compartment, lugging her trunk down the hall and kept searching for an empty, or relatively empty compartment. Not long after, she heard footsteps down the hall, and felt a tap on her shoulder. Hermione turned around, and it was Draco Malfoy again. Why did he keep popping up everywhere? "Hey, sorry for what happened back there. I didn't mean it"

"If you didn't mean it, then why did you say it, Malfoy?" Hermione retorted. She didn't want anything to do with this guy if he was going to discriminate against her because of who her parents were. Hermione saw a flash of hurt go over his face "Because I have to, Granger. Otherwise my family will disown me" Hermione sighed. "Look, just stop talking to me, ok?"


"Fine!" she kept walking down the hallway, still lugging my ridiculously heavy trunk, and she felt eyes on her back. Hermione turned around and noticed Draco was staring at her, but as soon as he noticed herturn around, he quickly turned around and walked briskly back down the hall.

Hermione saw another  almost empty compartment, with a teary eyed, black haired boy sitting there. "Excuse me, but is this compartment free?" The boy looked up, his eyes filled to the brim with tears "Y-yes, come in"

"If you don't mind me asking, what's wrong?" She said gently. The boy suddenly broke down, and started crying on her shoulder.  "It's my toad! I've lost Trevor, and I can't find him!" the boy said through sobs "My gran will be so annoyed and I've asked all down the train!"

"Oh, um, I can go looking for him?" Anything to get out of the awkward position she was in "What's your name, so I can tell people who's lost it?"

"Neville Longbottom" He said, sniffling "And you are?" Hermione stifled a laugh as she told him her name. Longbottom was a very...interesting last name. She walked out of the compartment, telling him she would be back soon, and worked my way down the train, with no results. Hermione skipped Draco Malfoy's compartment altogether, and found herself at the opposite end of the train. She was about to head back to her compartment, when something caught her eye. Oh my goodness, was that Harry Potter? She simply had to meet him!

Bonjour my young pigeons, how is everyone doing on this fine fine night?

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Au revoir for now,


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