Chapter 1 - La tua cantante

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"Get on top of it Blake, the rates are rising." Chief Hart told Sara. She had just come out of her exchange from the military where she had been serving for the past three years. It was a tradition in the Blake family that every member served in the army and that's what Sara had done and on the plus side, she was now a much stronger and smarter detective due to the past three years.

"Yes Sir." She replied and took the file from him, the crime rates in Seattle were skyrocketing and the police force still wasn't able to find the culprits. She made her way down the hall to her own office where her boyfriend of 6 years and work partner of 3 years, Adrian waited for her. Adri as she liked to call him, was a gorgeous man, he had bright green eyes, brown hair, and what she loved about him the most, the freckles that decorated his beautiful face. She opened the door and was instantly engulfed in a hug as Alex buried his head into her neck, he inhaled her familiar scent, for the first time in 3 years. When Sara joined the army, she was positioned in Australia for training and had spent the three years there, thus he had been unable to see her.

"Hey beautiful, here I am thinking my girlfriend would visit me first." He mumbled playfully, placing a kiss on her neck, causing her heart to speed up, despite having been in a relationship for the past 6 years, Adri's touch still had an immense effect on Sara. The two pulled away, with Sara smiling at him.

"And here I am, with my favourite lad." She replied getting on her toes and kissing his forehead. Adrian hailed from a British family and had moved to America when he began college and met Sara when he was 19 and she was 18. The pair had met at a birthday party and the two instantly hit off, become great friends. Over the next year, Sara developed a huge crush on Adrian and with some encouragement from her friends, she asked him out, only for him to reciprocate her feelings as well. The two studied at the same college and joined the police force together, like many said, they were joint at the hip.

"I've got one little thing to take care of and after that, we'll go home." Adrian said, pulling away. The happiness on Adrian's face was obvious as he talked to his old partner, Gordon whom he'd no longer been working with as Sara was back. Sara walked around the station meeting a few familiar faces and some new ones as she waited for Adrian to finish.

Officially, she wasn't meant to start until next week but she'd decided to drop in early, to get a head start. Sara was engaged in deep conversation with Emma when Adrian came up behind her and wrapped his arms around her waist, pulling her against his chest. Butterflies erupted in Sara's stomach as she felt Adrian's chest against her back, this man did drive her insane.

"You two are still like that, it's so adorable." Emma smiled, having known these two before their relationship began, after all, they had meet at her 18th. The compliment made Sara's face heat up, it was amazing in a sense, that when she was around Adrian, her snarky and usually short tempered personality turned into a calm and loving one, Adrian had a massive impact on Sara.

"Well, what can I say, Miss Blake here is an amazing women." Adrian laughed.

"Go off you two, you're making me feel lonely." Emma laughed as she left the two alone. Sara turned to face Adrian, his arms still around her waist.

"Let's go home." Sara smiled, leaning her head on his shoulder and wrapped her arms around him. As soon as her hands came in contact with Adrian, she was engulfed by a bright light.

She was in the shower, enjoying the hot water running down her back when she smelt the smoke. Instantly tensing up, she got out of the shower and hurriedly put her clothes on, her hands shaking and trembling. She got out of the bathroom only to see a bright flame, engulfing the entire room, with Adrian's blood covered body in the middle.

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