Chapter 3 - Weight of Living

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3 months, it had been three months since the incident in Italy with Sara and yet, she was still very, very sensitive with her neck, she refused to let anyone, apart from Adrian, touch her neck or shoulders in any way. Over the last three months, both of them had been tracing cold leads on the Seattle killings, whoever it was, they were stepping up their game.

"Blake, Potter, you need to go this site, 6 new murders last night, all the same like the ones in Seattle." Chief Hart informed then and Adrian nodded, grabbing the file off him. The two made their way to Forks, where the latest murders had taken place. It was a long drive, in which music accompanied the two as they tried to narrow down the list of suspects, the entire profile of the murder(s) had changed due to this off pattern killing.

Finally, they arrived at the local police station in Forks. The two made their way inside, to be greeted by a middle aged man.

"Chief Charlie Swan, how may I help you?" He asked, shaking their hands. "I'm detective Potter and this is detective Blake, we're from Seattle, there were six murders here last night?" Adrian questioned as the two of them showed him their badges.

"Yeah, 6 murders, out of the blue, so far none of the victims seem connected." Charlie explained.

"Can we see the site?" Sara questioned and Charlie nodded. "I'll take you there. Come on." He replied, and the three headed out.


Sara felt slightly nauseous upon seeing the blood and Adrian placed his hand on her shoulder, asking her if she was ok and Sara nodded as the two examined the scene.

There were 6 bodies, 4 girls and 2 boys, all probably in their teens and a black SUV parked nearby. Sara crouched down next to the blonde girl, examining her body, only to find two puncture wounds on her neck, just like all the other 43 victims. Sara felt angered, there was a savage animal out there, killing all these innocent people, destroying families, ruining countless lives and yet, they couldn't catch him. She ran her gloved fingers over the other girl's head, tilting it to reveal two puncture wounds that she was already accustomed to seeing before she was pulled into another vision.

There was a group of about 16ish people, all standing in the snow, at the front, a young couple with a daughter, no older than 6. Suddenly, large, dog-like wolves emerged from the woods behind them, filling in the gaps between the humans that were standing.

"The redcoats are coming, the redcoats are coming." A man, with slightly long hair chanted as he stood next to a beautiful blonde woman. It was as if Sara was watching a movie. On the other side of the field, she saw another line of people, dressed in massive cloaks, some dark and some light as they advanced forward.

Sara closed her eyes, trying to ease the headache as she was pulled out of the vision, the visions were getting more and more frequent and more painful. A throbbing pain went through her head as she struggled to breathe. It took a while before she calmed down and looked up to see Adrian taking pictures of the scene and individual close ups of the victims as Charlie stood nearby, so she took her phone out, scrolling through the notes before stopping on one, so far, most victims had two puncture wounds on their necks, and about 6cm of distance between both wounds, but she looked closer, only to find the distance between the two wounds on the girl being at least 8cm wide, she got up and made her way to the other victims, finding the same thing with all of them.

"Adri!" She called out and Adrian made his way over to her. "Look, all the previous victims had the wounds at around 6cm distance but all of these ones, they're at least 8cm apart, it's not the same, also, the previous scenes had so much more blood and destruction.." She trailed off and Adrian continued. "And this one is much more quieter, a potential copycat." He concluded and Sara nodded.

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