Chapter 4 - Damning the Devil

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"Ma, I'll be fine." Sara weakly smiled, knowing her parents had to get back to Australia and Adrian's to England.

"Honey, come back with us." Her mother pleaded, not wanting to leave her daughter alone. It had been 2 months since Adrian's death and Sara had begun talking again, it wasn't much, but she was fighting the heavy weight of living. "I'm not leaving." Sara said sternly, this was her house, Adrian's house, she wasn't going to leave, the house in a sense was like Adrian to her now, sheltering her and protecting her,

"Sara please-" Sophia started but Sara left the room, running up the stairs and locking herself in her room. She sat down on the floor next to her bed, she didn't cry, no, she just sat there, completely quiet, running her hand over the bedsheets. It was the same bed where they made love, where they cuddled on while having Harry Potter or Criminal Minds marathons, where they talked for hours. She closed her eyes, resting her head against the bed, allowing sleep to consume her.

Every time she closed her eyes, the nightmares began, and thanks to the nightmares, the panic attacks began.


Sara bid farewell to her parents and Adrian's parents as they got into the taxis. They'd finally decided to go back and seeing that Sara was dead set on not leaving, they let her stay. She went back inside the house and after a cold shower, she was dressed in leggings and an old jumper, which previously belonged to Adrian but she'd always worn it, it made her happy, even when he was alive.

She made her way down the stairs, to the kitchen, when she noticed a dark figure standing by her window. Her heart beat instantly speed up, as her palms began to sweat. She stood at the end of the stairs for a minute or so and after finally gaining composure on herself, she pretended to ignore it and cautiously made her way to the kitchen, knowing her gun was kept in the top drawer.

Chief Hart had put Sara on a partial leave, she no longer needed to come to the office but was still an active detective and was allowed to continue investigating the Seattle killings and the motel incident, thus she still had her gun and badge. Pulling the drawer open, she slowly gripped her gun, before quickly stuffing it in the waistband of her leggings and pulling the jumper over it. She slowly made her way outside, turning the flashlight on her phone on as she looked around the yard. She heard the leaves behind her rustling and instantly her hand went to her gun, pulling it out and pointing it in the direction of the noise, while pointing her gun with her other hand. She let out a sigh of relief when she found nothing and went back inside her house and closed the door, leaning her head against it.

"I'm right behind you kitten" She heard the voice from her nightmares, and froze upon hearing it. Demetri walked closer to her, slowly as he heard her heart rate skyrocket. He was dressed in his usual attire, a dark cloak hanging off his shoulders with a dark suit underneath.

This is for Adrian, you need to be strong damnit  Sara thought, before gripping her gun tighter and turning around, pointing the gun against his forehead. Demetri had been watching her for days now but waited for the right time, when she was completely alone to attack, he'd made stupid, impulsive mistakes before but now, he was taking his time, plus, it wouldn't hurt to play around.

"You got me, kitten" He smirked, raising his hands in the air. Sara glanced at his face, properly for the first time. Flawless, pale white skin, dirty blonde hair, spiked up in all different direction, his height standing at over 6 feet, but the most prominent feature, his hypnotising crimson eyes. There was no possible way that those were real, so Sara opted for contacts, but why read ones?

"Nice contacts." She growled, pushing the gun tighter against his forehead, her body was boiling with rage, all she could now think of was Adrian, the smoke, the pain. This was it, she was going to get her revenge, and it couldn't have been easier. He'd walked up to her, and now, killing him would fall under self-defence.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 10, 2018 ⏰

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