Chapter 3: Feeling Worse

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My heart hurts. My head hurts. My eyes are completely sore. I thought with Harry being here, I would feel better. I don't. As a matter of fact, I'm feeling worse. I sigh unevenly as I realize his arms are wrapped around me.
            "Lou...can we talk?" I hear him ask, obviously hesitant. I only sniffle in response.I'm afraid to know what my voice sounds like. He only shushes me and traces his fingers through my hair. I sit up now and he does the same. If I thought I would look was nothing compared to him.
His eyes are red, puffy, and swollen. Tears stain his cheeks, and he just looks broken.
               "I...owe apology." He says weakily, his voice breaking at the end. I nod and put my hands on his which are rested on the comforter.
               "So do I." I say looking towards his eyes. I know that it's not all his fault. I had some part in it...if I hadn't... he wouldn't be as sad as he is right now. "I'm sorry didn't deserve anything that I said to you...I'm such a terrible boyfriend."
I see  single tears fall from his eyes and down his face. I really am terrible. He's crying through my apology. I don't feel better. I feel even worse.
               "Lou...stop." He says as he run his fingers through his hair, that immediately means that he is unsure of how to respond. I know that he wants me to feel better. I want him to feel better too. It shouldn't be this damn complicated. "I thought seeing you would help me feel better..." He sighs looking down to his hands. "I-I guess I was wrong."
I want to speak so bad right now. As I'm hearing him say what I actually feel. It hurts. It hurts so bad.
                "I...still love you." He whimpers softly. "I hate being alone...and I hate being cold even more."
I nod and a chuckle escapes my lips. He is still the same Harry that I once knew. He is looking at me now. He isn't talking but his emotions are screaming a thousand words.
                 "Please...don't go." I whimper. I watch him get up, walking over to put on a pair of knee length shorts. I'm crossing my fingers that he will actually give in and stay. He is my world. If he leaves...everything will shatter.

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