Chapter 5

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My head started throbbing I was sweating all over my body. I heard voices from the background I couldn't lay out at what they were saying. I tried to wake up but my eyes wouldn't open, then I tried moving my hands but I was to weak. Then I heard the voices get closer I knew it was my dad by the way he was huffing and puffing. "Sweetie come down we don't know what happen to her, so let's wait until wait until she wakes up". CHEYENNE said. "If I find out it was that boy I will kill him". Carnell said. "Baby surely you don't mean that, let's just lying her rest then we will talk to her". Carnell sighed and shook his head. "Man at this point I wouldn't not care if dad my kill Lance that would make the pain go away I can't believe he kissed Casey I trusted them both, I know she kissed him back cause I saw it, for the next few days or weeks I won't be talking to anyone, I am still mad at dad, I better get some rest before I get another headache, by far this is the worst birthday ever. "After a few hours of sleeping I finally woke up. I look at towards the sky threw my window, I looked around the room my eyes stop at another pair eyes looking back at me, it was my dad he looked so mad but hurt at the same time. He walked over to me and sat on the bed. "Hey dad ". I said. "Hey baby girl how are you feeling?" I shrugged not really wanting to talk. "Baby what happens you scared the crap out of us. Was it that boy? Or was it Casey? Whoever it was I will go to court with this". All I could do is cry and cover my face, my dad picked me up and held me in his hands. "I am sorry sweetie for earlier I was just trying to protect you that's all, when you came home passing out in front of us I was about to go kill someone, but your mother stopped me of courses, Lexi we need to talk about this, yes crying will help but it's doesn't help you heal, so please can you tell me what happened?" . I sighed not looking at him and I held him tight. "Not now dad ok? I just want to sleep but I will tell you later ok?". He took a deep breath and nodded his head. "Alright baby I will be patient but I will hold you too it". I knew he won't forget what I said, shoot he never forgets anything. He picked me up and tucked me into bed like I was his little girl again. He kissed me on the forehead and he said he loved me, he walked out leaving the door open. I closed my eyes then opens them again hearing my phone buzzing. I looked down and saw it was Lance. I sighed not wanting to look at the message, so I turned off my phone and went to sleep".
"How could you let her in my house Casey?". The women said. "Sorry ok she had to go do something for me and I got side track". Then there was a loud slap sound in the room. "Casey got slapped from the lady she held her hand where she got slapped. "Now you listen to me Casey I gave you a roof over your head, food, I could of left you outside but I choose to be a good person, but you don't appreciate any of that, but I am going to teach you lesson, next time you will listen to me". The lady grabbed Casey hair and dragged her by the hair. Casey screamed for help and tried to dig her claws into the floors but there was no use. The next day Casey was getting her stuff ready for school.

"I dread going to school this morning but I had a perfect attendance I didn't want to mess that up, plus my parents would kill me". I walked down the stairs grabbed an apple headed towards the door, just then I a felt a soft touch my shoulder. "Hey are you feeling this Morning Lexi? I turned to see my uncle Bryan looking so tired. "I am doing ok Bryan but I got to go don't want to be late for school". I tried moving away from put him but he pulled me into a tight hug . "If anyone hurt You I will kill them just say the word". He hugged me again then walked away. I felt like something was wrong with Uncle Bryan but I let it go, let's try this again. I walked closer to the door then a hand grabbed me, dang I can't get out of here. "Baby if you need to go home early you can, I am here for you Lexi, me and your father". I shook my head and she gave me a kiss on my forehead. I finally got out of the house and walked towards my car, to my surprise I didn't see my dad this morning at all. When I opened the door I saw my dad on the driver side. "Go on the other side I am driving you to school". Without saying anything I did what he said and got on the other side. "Alright Lexi tell me what happened?''. I looked at him knowing he just through me a curve ball". He looked at me then back at the road. "Lexi tell me about that night right now! He hit the steering wheel putting a dent in it. I jumped and started to get scared he saw my reaction he sighed and shook his head. "Look I am sorry ok Lexi? Look if you don't tell me, you know I can find out what happened one way or another". We finally pulled up at the school I sighed out of relief; I got out as quickly has I could and ran into the school, I ran towards the girl bathroom and began throwing up. After I finally calmed down I went back out into the hallway and got my stuff out of my locker. At the corner of my eye I saw two hands hovering over me, I turned around and saw lance looking at me. "What do you want Lance?" He rubbed the back of his head and looked down at the ground. "Lexi I am sorry I mean". Before he could say anything else I pulled out my hands to stop him. "Don't say anything Lance I guess I wasn't good enough for you, I guess what people say about you is true, I was fooling myself thinking a person like you would like someone like me, but I guess not. I sighed and held my books tight so I wouldn't cry. "Lance I don't want you in my life anymore, I don't want to see you, hear from you anymore you got that?! I noticed I started raising my voice because people started to look at us. "Fine then Casey your wish is your command". He bowed and walked away from. I started to cry then I hear people talking about us. "What are you looking at?, this is none of yall business you act like you never seen people fight in the hallway. I started walking to the classroom still crying, the teacher looked at me, I pretended like I didn't see her, I sat down at my seat and sat down. I knew this day would be hell. After a rough day in classes It was finally lunch time. To mine surprise I have not seen Casey all day,but that is like her not to show up, but then again she hasn't call me either I hope she is ok, what am saying she was the one who kissed Lanced. Just then I heard a girl giggle, I turned around and saw the girl who is ahead of the hockey team all over Lance, I rolled my eyes and sat down and ate. After I was done I got up threw my stuff away and walked out the cafeteria, even though I did see Lance looking at me. I walked outside and saw that my dad was waiting for me, I get in and slammed the door. I knew he was looking at me but I didn't say anything. When we got home I got out the car and walked inside the house. "How was your day sweetie?". I heard my mom talk to me but I didn't answer. "Lexi I know you hear your mom talking to you". I turned around and looked at her. "It was fine mom thanks for asking". I started back walking up the stairs until my dad yelled my name again. "We need to talk now and all this walking away from us is getting a little old and it's disrespectful". "You really don't believe in personal space do you?". My dad started getting anger I could tell too. "Don't you ever talk to me like that again, now your going to come down here and tell me what happened". I began to chuckle and roll my eyes. Fine dad you win again. I saw Casey and Lance making out at the party I got really mad cause he asked me to the prom and I said yes,but that's not going to happen now is it?, so now you and uncle Bryan could go kill them for all I care, I hate school, I hate Casey and Lance now I hate you, I am not going to my senior prom either". I stormed up the stairs and closed and locked the door. I heard a few whispers yelling and slamming doors, before I could hear anything else I drifted off to sleep. The next morning I woke up an hour early got dressed and left the house before anyone was awake. I headed towards the Gym and worked out for 30 minutes then went to school, it felt good working out but to bad I didn't take a shower, while I was thinking and talking to myself I accidentally bumped into someone. "Sorry my bad". The person I bumped into turned around and gave me a dirty look. "Wow I am surprise you made it to school today". The person began to chuckle than spat at my shoes. "What the hell these were $500 dollars shoes". Just then I pushed her, you owe me some new shoes Casey". She looked at me an grind. "You still mad at me that your boyfriend kissed me?". I started to get heated up. "He was never my boyfriend but you can have him". She looked at me and raised and eyebrow . Like I told you before he was only using you, but I guess he wanted a real girl in his life, and trust me babe it wasn't you". That was it I was tired of her negative comments. I took off my back pack and tackled her to the ground, she tired to get up but I was to strong for her. I started punching in the face I did not plan on stopping. Just then someone picked me up and pushed me against the wall. "What the hell are you doing you are going to get suspended". I pushed Lance off of me and looked at him. "I don't care anymore I told you stay away from me". As I was about to beat her up again the principal blow the whistle, I knew I this time dad was going to kill me". About an hour of sitting in the principals office all I heard was nagging and the school rules, could this day get worst?". Just then the door flew open I saw my dad walking in. "Oh crap man I pray he lets me off easy. "Mr. Breeding how are you this morning?". He looked her like how you think I am feeling. "I am ok just trying to get through my day". The principal nodded and Proceeded talking. "Mr. Breeding your daughter got into a fight with with Casey this morning I have heard Lexi side of the story just not Casey yet since she is still in the nurses offices. Now there are some consequences there are in order. Carnell shook his head and stood there. "Lexi will be suspended from school for one day, and three days from basketball she will be helping out with the prom Committee". I looked at my dad then at the principal. "Oh heck no I am not going to help with the prom Committee, you can't suspend me for three days of basketball we have nationals coming up". Just then felt my dad grab my shoulders and sit me back down. "You should have thought of that before you fought Casey". I got pissed off so I got up and walked out. "Mr. Breeding I have seen some bad behavior in that child lately she use to be a good person,but now I think she needs help". Carnell looked at her then walked out the office and slammed the door making all the glass from the door break and fall to the ground. Carnell started looking everywhere for Lexi until he found on her the on the playground swinging. "Look if your going to ground me for life I don't care just do it ". Carnell came by Lexi side and sat down on the swing next to her. "Lexi I am not going to ground you at all or give you any punishment, just don't do it again alright ?". I nodded not believing what I was hearing, man that praying stuff helps out". We got up and drove home. When I opened the front door mom started yelling in my face but then Dad picked her up and told her to calm down. "You get in your room young lady". Without any hesitation I ran straight to my room and closed the door. I heard mom and dad arguing but I didn't want to listen, I but in my headphones and laid on my bed. Just then my phone buzz I was praying it wasn't Lance to my surprised it was Casey. I opened the message and saw Your Dead Meat!.

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