Chapter 7

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I see lights flashing from my eyes, I hear voices saying my name and Asking me am I alright?. Everything seems blurry I am in so much pain, I can't feel my arms at all. The only thing I remember before closing my eyes is me saying where is Lexi?. My eyes start to open a little bit more after sleeping for days maybe hours. I look up to see my mom and that crazy chick from the hockey team, gosh I hate her, but I don't see Lexi and that started to worry me.

"Baby are you ok?, I was so worried about you". I tried to speak but Maddie covered my mouth,and kissed me. I heard someone clear there throat and I jumped once I saw Lexi Father. "I see that you are busy so I won't be long, just letting you know Lexi is ok, just shaking up that all". I was about to speak but he left in a hurry, now all sort of things were going through my head, I tried to get up but Maddie push me down. "Baby you need to get your rest". I pushed her out the way and started taking everything off my arms. Maddie ran out the room yelling For help, man she need to shut up. Just like that doctors came in telling me to calm down and you need rest, but I wasn't listening to them. Just then I felt a sharp needle go through my arm I slowly started drifting off to sleep. I woke up for the second time I looked up I saw Maddie sleeping in the chair I rolled my eyes and tried seating up I felt a pair of hands tried to help, I looked up and saw my mom, I quickly pushed her away. "I don't need your help mom". She looked down towards the ground and walked backed to her seat. Then the door flew open it was doctor . "Hello Mr. Cortez's how are we today?". Lance looked at him and rolled his eyes. "Alright then well Lance we took the bullet out and everything went well in the surgery looks like you will be home in no time". The doctor nodded at me and walked out. "Babe what did I miss?". Lance scrolled at her then shook his head. "For the last time I am not your babe,boyfriend, or boo now get out of my room before I call security, who invited you anyway? , now get the hell out before I say worse things to you". Maddie was stun by his words. "Did I stuttered? Now get out". Maddie jumped out of seat grabbed her stuff and left. "Lance that is not how I raise you". Lances mom puts her hands on her hips. "You didn't raise me at all). Lance said under his breath. Just then Lance mom slapped in the face. "You listen hear young man just because I haven't been around much doesn't mean you can treat me anyway I am still your mother, now I except you to show me some respect you hear me?". Lance didn't say anything he just stared at her. "I am sorry Lance didn't mean to hit you". Lance pushed the button that was on the side of him. "Just then a nurse came in. "Is everything alright sir?". Lance looked at his mom and pointed towards her. "This women just abused me, I want her out and never in this room again". The nurse looked at Lance confused then saw he was holding his hand over her right cheeks. She nodded and started pulling Lance mom out the room. "No you can't do this he is my son Lance I didn't mean to hit you please forgive me,Lance please don't let them take me away again". Lance mom tried to pull her grip away but another nurse came in and dragged her away. "Lance I love you please don't do this to me!!!". Lance held back his tears and laid back down. After about an hour of sleeping he heard a knock. "Go away I don't want any visitors". He heard the knock again. "I said go away". Then the third time. "Are you death or something, I said I don't want to see anyone". He heard the door creep open and foot step coming towards him. "Look who ever you are just leave your stuff here and go, I am not in the mood to talk to anyone". Just then he felt someone lightly kiss on the cheeks. "Maddie I told you". Before he finish his sentence he saw that it was Lexi looking over him. He smiled at her and she smiled back. "Lexi how are you doing?, sorry I thought you were my mom or Maddie". Lexi began to chuckle and sat down. "So I hear that you and Maddie kissed?". Lexi saw Lance face expression change and she started to laugh. "Yeah my dad is not to happy about that you know". Lance was about to protest but Lexi shook her head no. She got up from her chair and walked over to him and kissed him. "I am sorry Lexi he whispered. She looked at him confused. "What is there to be sorry about?". He smiled at her again and showed his dimples this time. Lexi started to blush. "It so cute when you blush for me". Lexi blushed even harder and she tried to get up Lance pushed her back down and kissed her. "So I sent you in here to talk to him, not to make out with him". They both jumped when they see Carnell and Bryan. "Uh dad we were just talking with our lips". Carnell raises his eyebrows at her. "Alright I am coming". As Lexi begins to walk away Lance grabbed her by the arm. "Um sir can Lexi stay in here for a few hours please". Lexi starts pleading but sees that her dad won't give up. She sighs and Lances lets go of her. "You need to get your rest sweetie you can see him tomorrow , maybe I don't know". They walk out the room and it gets quiet again. Just then the door opens again and Lexi runs over to Lance and kiss him again I will see you tonight I promise". Lance smiles and kiss her on the forehead. "Lexi if you don't come back right now". Lexi says bye and runs out again. "That girl is something else but I love her though".

"Alright Lexi get some sleep you weren't suppose to get out of bed the doctor told you that". Lexi just kept smiling and laid her head down. "Daddy why don't you like Lance? Carnell didn't answer he just tucked Lexi in bed. "Daddy please answer me". Carnell sighed and sat down next to her. "Baby girl I just don't trust him don't get me wrong, I saw him kiss another girl, hell he kissed your friend and I barley know him, baby I don't want you to get hurt that's all". Lexi put her head on his arm and hugged him. "Dad you don't have to worry about me, I can take care of myself I am a big girl, plus I am strong like you too". Carnell started laughing then kissed her on the cheeks. "Yeah that what I am afraid of, but baby I am here if you need me you know that". He looked over and saw that Lexi was falling asleep. "I love you daddy". Carnell smiled and put her head down on the pillow. "I love you too baby girl.

"Damn Bryan what's wrong with you?". Bryan was pacing back and forth at the hospital. "Yo calm down ". Dustin lightly touch Bryan shoulder but Bryan pushed him against the walk. "Don't touch me again you have no right to tell me to calm down,you've been gone all this time you don't know what the hell is going,so I advise you to back the hell away ". Bryan looked at him once again and walked out. "Hey wants with Bryan?". Carnell asked. Dustin shrugged and walked out. "Why didn't I tell them? Bryan you are so stupid,maybe I should tell them. "You know it's not nice to talk to yourself". Bryan turned around and saw who it was he started clinching his teeth and balling his fist. "What are you doing here?"

So sorry it's been awhile since I have wrote a new chapter

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 10, 2014 ⏰

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