|| Fifteen ||

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||Ciel's POV||
Just like that, Sebastian dressed me up and grabbed hold of my waist.

"Whatever you do young master don't try to escape my grasp. Hold on."

"What are you-AHHHHHHAHHHAHHH!!" Sebastian Jumped out of the seven story manor and we were falling through the window.

"HOLY SHIT WHAT THE FUCK SEBASTIAN?!" I was terrified. Oh how I just wanted to fucking go home!

Sebastian made a soft landing, I hopped into the carriage, and we were on our way home.
||Sebastian's POV||
We pulled out to the manor and I helped Ciel climb out. Since we got a late start today, it was already seven. We both emotionally exhausted. I can't believe what happened today. I realized that I am able to be capable of love, and that I saw Ciel and Alois having sex. Never in a million years would I think I would see that! I honestly don't care who Ciel brings home, a girl or a boy– but he is still dating Lizzy. She better not find out or that boy is screwed.

We entered the manor and headed up to Ciel's room for the talk. I hope everything goes well and I could figure out what the hell is up with this boy. I sat on Ciel's bed, as he sat right by my side.

"Okay" Ciel sighed.

"Okay.. We better get this over with because this whole situation is dreadful."

"Mhm." Ciel said. I figured I would have to talk first to get anything out of him.

"Well, for me I'm sorry for over reacting Ciel, it was centuries ago when I was a teen, so I forgot what it was like. Also I'm sorry for barging in on you like that. Claude tried to have sex with me and-"

"WHA?! Claude tried to have SEX with you?!" Ciel said, turning red.

"That is correct."

"Did he even find out what was wrong with you?" Ciel said, his eyes getting puffy.

"Turns out, that I'm in love with somebody." I said.

"Not Claude I hope.."

"No, no definitely not. Anyways it's your turn. Let's talk about one thing at a time, shall we. The sneaking out. What's up with that? I can tell if your lying." Ciel looked down at his boney hands, and I could see they were shaking.

"I-I went to the store to- *sob* I'm sorry Sebastian." Ciel said, crying into my shirt.


"I went and bought cigarettes"

"You what?!"

"I'm sorry okay?! I have been having to much stress from things lately and the drugs, cutting, drinking, and smoking help momentarily until the harsh reality kicks in– a-and I can't talk to you anymore because I'm a grown man, but this is the time I need you the most!" I sat in shock. I can't believe he was hiding all of this from me.

Growing Up (COMPLETED SebaCiel fanfic)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora