Living Isn't Just Being Alive

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I want to live
I want to love
I want to laugh

I want to live; that doesn't mean just being alive. I want to travel places, do things my 13 year old mind could only dream of. I want to see what's out there, the things no one has ever seen before or is to blinded by society to notice. I want to learn things no one else knows. Secrets only I can keep, whispers only I can hear.

I want to love; Someone out there is gonna be able to put up with all my shit, all my thoughts and feelings. I want someone to hold me like I'd only ever seen in movies. I want someone who will stay with me through thick and thin, someone who will see me at my worst and my best.

I want to laugh; until my sides hurt. I want to be able to have a smile on my face everyday and it be legitimate. I want to find a day that I can say I'm okay and mean it. I want to find someone to share my laughter, to be the cause of my smile.

But we all know, I want doesn't get.

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