A Rainy Christmas

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Your POV

I just finished grocery shopping for our Christmas party. When I went out the mart, it started raining. What a wrong timing to start raining. I kept on thinking what to do as I didn't bring my umbrella. I thought it would snow so I didn't bother bringing an umbrella with me. Still not knowing what to do after a few minutes of thinking, I snapped out of my thoughts as I thought that it was getting darker. I looked to my left and saw a middle-aged looking man, but handsome, holding an umbrella. So, he's covering us from the rain. I better thank him later. He looked at me and smiled.

"Um, Y/N, should we cross the street now? The walking sign turned green already," he said.

Wow, how did he know my name?

"Ah, sure. Let's."

We proceeded to cross the street in silence. I stole glances to look at his handsome and manly features. He looked back at me and smiled. Wow, he's got a beautiful smile for a man, I thought. I feel like we'll click with each other. Maybe because of his warm gestures? I like it.

We crossed the street already but I noticed that he hasn't left my side yet. What is he still doing here?

"Why are you still here?" I asked.

"Shouldn't you be heading home now?"

"Yeah. So, what?"

"It's raining and you don't have an umbrella with you so I'm going with you," he offered.

My jaw slightly dropped because of what he said and because of my stupidity. Of course I don't have an umbrella! What was I thinking? I mentally punched my head for being so stupid.

"Hello? Earth to Y/N? Hello?"

I snapped out of my thoughts when I heard my name. I stared at him, still shocked on how he knew my name.

"I'm sure your groceries are heavy so why don't you lead the way?"

Still shocked, I said, "Ah, yes, yes. Let's go."

I lead the way, with him following me while covering us with his umbrella. I turned right and I heard him say, "This is not the path to your house. It's the other way."

Okay, this guy sure knows a lot about me and it's fucking creeping me out. Is he, perhaps, a stalker!? I mean, he's too good looking of a stalker, so he can't probably be.

I stared, once again, in shock and awe. I probably look stupid now for staring a lot. Or maybe, I'm just plain stupid. Stupid Y/N. Stop staring! I just went and walked the other way. He still haven't left my side and followed me, with the rain still not stopping. After some time, we already reached my house.

"Let me walk you to your porch. It's still raining and you might get wet. You can't possibly run with all that groceries you have with you. Here," he said, while offering his hand holding the umbrella.

Being tired of being shocked with every word he says, I just nodded and walked towards the porch. After reaching the porch, I thanked him.

"Thank you so much for offering your help. I'm truly grateful and all, but, may I know why you know so much about me? And who are you?" I asked.

"It's no big deal. I'm glad that I helped you. And for your questions, it's because I know you. And you need not to know my name. Just seeing you after so many years makes me so happy," and he looked at his watch.

"Oh! Look at the time. You should be preparing already. I should probably go now. My friends are waiting for me. Goodbye Y/N. See you again!" He waved goodbye and went off.

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