July 1 (Special Chapter)

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[] Since we were asked to write a short story in our Creative Writing class, I made this one this morning. Some lines may be familiar for you as I got them from the previous chapter with the same title. So, here's a RicSyung fic! Enjoy~
PS. I changed their names to their English names except for Hyemi's.


Today is the day - July 1, 2017.

Steve got invited and is at the church today. Eric himself gave the wedding invitation. He accepted it, which must be one of the things he would regret the most.

Only a few people have arrived. Most of them are family members. As he was scanning the surroundings of the church, he noticed the guests slowly gathering inside. The wedding must be starting.

The guests became quiet when the priest entered. The priest started by holding a prayer.

After the prayer, the wedding is being commenced. The flower girls, bridesmaids and the best men entered, followed by the entrance of the groom, Eric. Steve couldn't believe how handsome and perfect his bestfriend looks in his suit.

After the entrance of the groom, it was time for the grand entrance of the wife, Hani, along with her parents, walking down the aisle. Steve, now seeing the beautiful bride, couldn't help but be envious.

While monitoring, and still mesmerized, he didn't notice that he spaced out for the whole event. He didn't even notice until he heard the priest say, "You may now kiss the bride."

Reluctantly, he looked at the event unfolding right before his eyes. Seeing his bestfriend kissing a girl, his eyes started getting misty. No, I shouldn't cry, Steve insisted.

After kissing, everyone in the church applauded, happy for the newly wedded couple. Steve was the only one who's not happy. The wedding is still going on, and Steve spaced out again - he couldn't accept the fact that his bestfriend, his one and only bestfriend whom he loves, is already married.

The wedding has finished and everyone left for the reception. The only people left are the couple, their parents, and Steve. Everyone went to their respective dressing rooms to change their clothes. Little did Eric know, Steve sneaked in his room.

Right then and there, Steve cried the tears that he can't cry on the day Eric got engaged. He cried, and cried, and cried. Eric did not manage to turn around and look, knowing it was his bestfriend. He did not mutter a thing.

"Why?" Was the only word Steve was able to blurt out while crying. Eric's heart hurts seeing his bestfriend cry - a cry that is so full of sadness that even he did not know his bestfriend was capable of doing.

"I did my best to love you but this is how you repay me? Marrying someone who is not me?" Steve was able to say his feelings out, tears streaming down his porcelain-like face.

Eric just stood there, listening to his bestfriend. Steve continued, "I'll do my best to win you back. I promise to be better. I'll do everything you would ask me to if it means that I would get you back. Please, I beg you Eric. Come back to me..."

Finally, Eric said, "I'm sorry," and was all he could say. Steve just looked at his bestfriend.

"I'm really sorry. Our parents set this up for us. My parents sent me to the province along with that girl. At first, I really didn't want to, but knowing that my mother is stubborn, I gave up. So I went with this girl and stayed in the province for a few months. While I was with her, I really missed you, but I can't talk or text you as my father's been keeping a record of my text and call history," Eric explained.

Steve just stood there and listened while Eric continued. "Trust me, I really did miss you, a lot, but while I was with her, I noticed that I'm slowly falling in love with her. I think that during that time, I told myself that I am slowly falling out of love with you and for that, I was really guilty and sorry. Sorry for leaving without notice. Sorry for leaving you hanging like that."

Steve couldn't handle the heartache anymore. He asked, "Where are your parents? I'll talk to them. I'll make them change their minds." Eric hesitated but Steve didn't wait for his answer and went to different dressing rooms and finally found Eric's parents.

He went inside and knelt in front of them. He begged them sincerely to let he and Eric be together. Just like what Eric said awhile ago, his mother is very stubborn and adamantly refused.

Seeing how Eric's mother has that stoic face, Steve turned back and became sad - depressed. He passed by Eric's dressing room. He felt Eric's eyes following him but he didn't care. He didn't turn up at the reception.

Steve was depressed for months and refused to see anyone. He didn't even bother eating. Soon, Steve got bored and frustrated at himself for being still depressed and sought for help from his childhood friend, Dane. Eric is now happy with his new family, so why can't I? I deserve to be happy, too.

Dane, who seemed like he can read Steve's mind, was at Steve's doorstep and invited himself in. He suddenly became his personal counselor. He conducted several counseling sessions for a long time until Steve is better.

Months went by and Steve is gradually getting better day by day. He felt reborn. Finally, after several days passed, he noticed that he's a better version of Steve. He owes Dane a lot and thanked him for everything he has done to help him overcome his depression.

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